Here is my introduction - I'm new to Hive so I would love your advice. #introduceyourself

Hello everyone. I'm V. Some may know me by my entertainment alias, Lulzswag or Lulz§wag.

I'm far from new on the internet and social media however I AM very new and even n00b to Hive and the way web3 operates.

Here's a little bit about me.

I love mycology, Lulz, comedy (the more savage the better), computers, and writing.
Mushroom cultivation is how I mainly make a living but where I live it's illegal so that makes it increasingly difficult to make a living. So much so that I could be homeless within the next month.
A friend suggested using Hive to make money and I honestly don't understand or see how it could help but he told me "not to censor myself" and I do not have a filter so if you don't want to hear things like dark humor, savage jokes, truth & honesty, or cursing then my Hive or whatever this is probably isn't for you.

I have 2 beautiful children who are now grown and living elsewhere and I'm single. I recently ended ... I said recently sigh I ended my relationship 1 year ago. It feels like just yesterday. I ended it myself even though I was/am madly in love with her. I couldn't continue to allow dishonesty and it broke my heart. It literally felt worse than being stabbed physically and I've been stabbed.
I had 3 children but my youngest daughter passed away when she was 3 months old from SIDS. It broke me honestly but I rebuilt myself back up. I keep a steel vial on a chain around my neck that has her ashes.

This isn't very funny and I said I like humor but I was told to introduce myself and give my life story. My life story isn't very funny however. If you've ever seen the movie "Stranger than Fiction" my check list between Comedy/Tragedy would have more checks on tragedy I guess.

Anyway, that's enough about me because I've already reminded myself of too many hardships. I DO plan to use this account to create humor and laughs so please don't let this be an indication of what material I plan on providing.

Much love and lulz,


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