Introducing myself!

Hi there!

Who am I?

My name is Fabian, born and raised in Vienna, Austria (please don't be too harsh with my english :)!. Born in the 90s in a family with 2 older brothers (and later on 2 younger sisters) I'm basically stuck between Generation Y and the "old world". Hence I'm a tech enthusiast (surprise, surprise! :D) on the one hand but on the other hand I also love to enjoy my spare time offline. I love mountain biking, climbing, running, yoga and any other kind of sport you can do outside (well I have to admit I'm not too much into team sports). I love the outdoors in general, and Vienna has really nice nature around and therefore many possibilities to do those things. So I spent most of my spare time there. My other passion beside sports is traveling. I visited a lot of the Americas (North & South) and some of Asia and Europe. Oh yeah and I'm working as a software tester in an IT-consulting firm (may be important for some people to know what I'm actually doing for a living, although it's definitely not the number one priority in my life! :))  

What to get here?

Some people do travel diaries, others do a blog right away when they are on there journey. I never felt like spending that much time while traveling to keep track of it, I mostly just live in the day when I'm on vacation. So I looked for another way of keeping memories: photography. Since a good friend of mine was already into photography, it was an easy choice for me. So now I got thousands of pictures (I'm kinda a hoarder when it comes to pictures :D) and I really love to share those with people. Not only pictures but also small stories about them, tips for the region, things I'd love to know before I got there or simply my memories and associations with them.

So I hope you are going to enjoy my content and feel free to follow my channel! :)

Thanks for your attention!

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