Hello internet!


Steemiters? Steemitians? If someone wants to verify the proper term in the comments section that’d be great.

This is my very first Steemit post so I wanted to take some time to explain how I got here and introduce myself.

My very dear friend, Elite.Skeete , has been trying to hook me onto his whole crypto-investing thing for a while now. I was openly resistant at first. The fear of the unknown is a real one. After giving it a lot more consideration, and watching the coins rise drastically over the past year, I’ve decided to take a crack at it (although a little regretful that I didn’t act sooner).

Being a model, adult entertainer, and exotic dancer by profession, there’s a lot of opportunity for someone like me in this new Wild West arena. So here I am, going in guns blazing.


This platform specifically seems like the perfect outlet for me to share some behind-the-scenes life-of-of-a-dancer. General musings, tips and tricks, and what actually goes through our heads when customers say things like “you’re too smart to be here” or “oh I don’t pay for dances”. majorly exaggerated eye roll
If you like crude humour, and unapologetic feminism then I’m your girl to follow. Let me be your binoculars into the secretive and sexy (and oftentimes downright silly) world of taking your clothes off for cash.

Wish me luck xo

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