Self-Motivation - Hopeless, Anxiety and Hard Times

Have you ever gone out full big dreams big goals but things didn't work out? The way you had planned the marriage didn't make it, pregnancy didn't last, the contract didn't go through. The disappointment is simply a season. It's not the rest of your life, the disappointment, the loss the betrayal that's temporary, we all go through things that are not fair. People do us wrong, we didn't get the promotion, came down with an illness. You can't stop life from happening to you. But you can choose how you respond if you hold on to the hurt you go around dwelling on the offense thinking why did they say that about me, why did I lose my loved one, why did that friend walk away. Then you're opening the door to bitterness when you're bitter it affects every area of your life. Bitterness poisons your attitude to where you see things in a negative light. Bitter people don't have good relationships, there easily offended they'll jump down your throat for the smallest thing, it's not you, It's the bitterness coming out. You may have a good reason to be bitter. Something was unfair but holding on to it is only going to make it worse. It's going to steal your dreams, robbed you of your joy, bitterness can keep you from your destiny, who you are right now today is not who you have to be tomorrow. You can literally change your life in under one second. When people tell you can't you don't look at them, you don't need to look at them you in the mirror did you ask yourself do you give it you are all. Lots of people have potential but not everyone does it. Remember that the moments when life tells your guests aren't the ones that define you. The moments that really matter are the moments when life tells you no. Are you worried about things that are only temporary? letting something steal your joy because you think that's the way it's always going to be, when you face opposition things don't go your way, recognize that it's not permanent that's not your final destination, quit worrying about things that are only temporary, if there is anything that is going to keep you from being productive and successful in your life it is 100% because of negative self-talk, now wonder what would happen if all through the day, instead of putting ourselves down, instead of dwelling on the negative we would go around thinking, I'm a masterpiece
I'm wonderfully made, I'm talented, I'm original, I have everything that I need. I know you're hurting I know you're disappointed but don't stay here something better is waiting for you there. In other words here is the disappointment here is the bad medical report. here is the dream that didn't work out. if you stay here you'll be
discouraged. you have to go there. where you are right now literally your circumstances from the job that you work from the apartment or the house that you live in is literally nothing more than a definition of you. any choice truly is better than not doing anything. you choose to be afraid that the difference between a winner and a loser is the winner understands there is a choice. he or she is afraid that they choose to stand up and show courage and do something about it. all boils down to your choice the choice you make today. that's the difference so no matter what it is your choice. you can either choose to be brave courageous step up I take that first step towards having a better life pursuing your goals whatever they may be where you can choose to counter back down and go live on the couch. stay inside your house not live your life not do something incredibly but no matter what it is your choice. Just because you've been through laws doesn't mean you're not going to win again does it mean you've seen your best days. fear is not an excuse you choose to be afraid you choose to let it influence your decisions you've got to get over that fear at one point if you can't figure out a way around if it means building a gym in your house, build a gym in your house, do whatever you've got to do to get yourself going down that right road that road towards success. Why are you afraid what have you got to be afraid of there will be things that you don't understand you'll have plenty of opportunities to get negative in those tough times you have to remember your dream. That dream is still alive, you may have tried a year ago five years ago or 40 years ago, didn't work out nobody was there to help, you go back and try again, this is your time this is your moment, your destiny is calling out to you. Close your eyes, I wanna ask how are you, what heaviness are you carrying, what holding you back, what your pain, what fear I kept inside. You don't have to hold on to those fears you just take one step at a time what to say that one day these fears are just gonna completely disappear then can you forgive those who hurt you because that's what healing starts every time. Something puts it down will you make a decision picture yourself in an open area. There are no buildings and there's no shelter and there's a storm above you and this stone represents the situations in your life. You don't tell anybody what you're going through because first of all, they will understand and second of all they can't even help you anyway during this storm and you're down on your knees and you're cold and you're weak and you feel like this is the end. Are you not still here you, are still here you don't have to do this alone but hold on to that person who you think might help you and imagine them right now saying that they can't stop the storm right now but they'll hold you and keep you until the storm passes. Because when they hold you the storm still there but it's okay because they're with you on the way. I'll tell you there are sometimes in life where you fall down you feel like you don't have the strength to get back up. Give them up, get up when you fail to try again and it's not the end until you've given up and just the fact that you're here should persuade you do you have another chance to get back.

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