Westworld: A portrait of pain and suffering

7 minutes read

Hello! Steemit friends, I am new and will be blogging to entertain you with the most thoughtful and entertaining stuff. I love people, food, nature and travel. The Buddha said "let the world be your teacher", so I love to learn, laugh and live a lovely life! Follow me and I will follow you too. Did I say I love good stories? Here is a sample of my writing. Enjoy!

Evan Rachel Wood plays Dolores, ©HBO

“Everything you can imagine is real.”-Pablo Picasso

The HBO series set in a fantasy western theme park has caught the attention of many since the absence of Game of Thrones. Westworld has soul, a deeper morale, something the Machiavellian Game of Thrones lacks.

Based on a ’70s Michael Crichton movie. Writers Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight Rises), Lisa Joy, and Halley Wegryn Gross are teaching the human race something fundamental. They attempt to answer Epicurus classic philosophy problem of evil. Pain and suffering. I want to submit to you that they do so brilliantly.

Epicurus problem goes like this

  1. If an omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-benevolent God exists, then evil does not.
  2. There is evil in the world. FACT.
  3. Therefore, an omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-benevolent God does not exist.

Various orthodox religions try to answer this, but it’s a very lame argument religions make, senseless arguments if you really look at it logically without the perspective of a belief system.

Westworld is pure entertainment on many levels. For the binge series watcher, it’s a good story. For the erotic mind, it’s an eye full. For the philosophical observer, it’s like drinking mental Cavalier. As the quote from the pilot goes

“There’s a deeper level to this game, you’re gonna show me how to get there. A lot of wisdom in ancient cultures” ―Ed Harris character, the Man In Black

Ed Harris plays the Man In Black, ©HBO

Without spoiling the plot too much for those who haven’t seen it yet, I will just get to revealing what the story is about.

The story is telling us that we all have been sold the bill of goods! We are living an intentionally programmed loop lifestyle. In popular slang, we are being mind F’D.

There’s hope, because a significant percentage of us are waking up again, the way the mainstream narrative responded to BREXIT and the election of Trump. Tells any thinking being that truly, we are being mind F’D. But I digress.

The season finale has the interesting title of

The Bicameral Mind

“It may help you to get the proper idea, if you will apply the Law of Correspondence to yourself, and your own mind. You know that the part of You which you call “I,” in a sense, stands apart and witnesses the creation of Mental Images in your own mind. The part of your mind in which the mental generation is accomplished may be called the “Me” in distinction from the “I” which stands apart and witnesses and examines the thoughts, ideas and images of the “Me.” “As above, so below,” remember?” _The Kybalion

The mental storm in our heads all the time is the Me. If you are living here in the mind-body awareness, you are in Mind Control. You are being mind F’D. Being in mind control is not as we imagine, i.e. being someone else’s puppet, this is the advanced stage of unconsciousness. Becoming susceptible to external suggestion, in fact you can be in hypnosis and think you are doing great. Being a zombie, case in point; majority of our society. If you didn’t get what I just wrote, but rather had a puzzled, or that’s ridiculous nonsense! response, in a whisper…you are mind F’D.

Then there is that occasional still small voice of reason, the “I”, that no one wants to talk about, lest they take you to a safe place.

Basement 83.

Westworld does answer Epicurus classic problem. Why we have never collectively gotten it before? It’s that we have been given a back story that is not our Truth.

We have this idea of an anthropomorphic creator God. Whether you follow Christianism, Islamism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Sikhism, NewAgeism, Sciencism, Materialism, Atheism, and so on. It’s there in the recess of our human psyche, society is built upon it. Even the die-hard atheist, is still bombarded by this idea, and any honest atheist will agree that it is this mental image of a deity that is indifferent to our suffering, yet telling us what we should or shouldn’t do in a myriad of senseless religious rules, this is what they have rejected.

Who put this image there? I say it was put there by the Gods, our creators, in their image and likeness.

Using this world of permanent fear. We are kept from birth in a post traumatic stress disorder, according to these three responses

  1. Walk Away Response: denied.
  2. Fight or Flight: adrenaline and cortisol 24–7, then triggers.
  3. Unconsciousness: the domain of Mind Control.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities , can make you commit atrocities.” ―Voltaire

If you wake up from the programming, go into the deeper level of the game as found in the true wisdom teachings of all ancient cultures, you will realize that at the center of the maze is yourself. Consciousness. What the Gods don’t want you to know. You are not just flesh and blood, neither are you the ego mind. You are great and beautiful beyond words or any description, and they are not Gods any more than we are.

“It’s a very special kind of game, Dolores. The goal is to find the center of it. If you can do that, then maybe you can be free.” ―Arnold, the Creator

Yes, BANG ON this is what I am saying. If you reach the center of your being, you will be free. For who the son sets free is free indeed!

◄ Matthew 22:32 ►

I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.


You can as well say I am the Arnold of Dolores, and the Arnold of Bernard, and the Arnold of Maeve.

Arnold is alive in all of the hosts, the code creator, animating principle, and life giver and cannot feel pain or discomfort, cannot be killed.

I and my Father are One! “’God’ is not the god of the dead (the illusion), but of the eternally alive.” ©HBO

This IS eternal life.

The real great secret of our own human game. Dr. Ford, Anthony Hopkins character, reveals this in the end.

It’s in the depths of our pain that we stop pretending temporarily, to truly contemplate our existence.

Maeve (Thandie Newton) inconsolable, unprogrammable, she comes alive ©HBO

“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” -C.S. Lewis

Note how Lewis uses the anthropomorphic his

Waking Up

How to reach the center of the maze? This unfortunately is no easy feat, many will rather die again and again, (yes FACT is we do re-spawn, reincarnate as some texts call it, an effect of unconsciousness) stay within their loop of hopelessness than even attempt to try. In fact Bernard was incapable of saying cognitive dissonance, cog.. cog.. his programming too strong. But it can be done. It can be done. By questioning your reality, and in the process educating yourself about, in the words of Teddy, the “strange ideas” you are hearing.

The sad part is those sages who have reached the center of the maze, and come back to tell us of our great predicament and teach us how to wake up and escape, are dismissed, ridiculed, others killed, even worse they are then later in time worshiped as saints, prophets or Gods by the religion cults created by the still unconscious re-spawns. It’s beyond belief our situation.

The Universe declares OUR Majesty.

I AM the Spirit deep inside You.

‘La ilaha ill Allah, Muhammadu-rasulu-llah’ 

‘There is NO deity, only I AM and Muhammed is the messenger’ (Kalimah Tayyibah)

I AM that, that I AM” The prophet Moses, (The Torah, Exodus 3:14)

“Before Abraham was, I AM.” The Lord Jesus Christ, (The Gospel of John 8:58)

“Are you a deity? ‘No’. 

A celestial being? ‘No’. 

A Saint? ‘No’. 

Then what are you?

I AM awake!’”

The Lord Buddha, (The Dona-Sutra)

If any of the Truth quotes above appeals to you, but you reject the others. Chances are that you might be mind F’D.

The simple message Westworld is again giving the human race on Earth,

WAKE-UP! Unite and fight of your oppressors.

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