I think it may be easier to introduce people to steem If i introduce my self first

A week or so ago I was talking with my daughter @midwestblues and her boyfriend @lovi000 and the subject of cryptocurrency came up. After explaining the basics I got to the newer more interesting uses of blockchain of course steem came up and we all decided that it was the best thing since sliced bread. Then when i showed them my ghost town of a account, the only interesting part was that it had grown to $80 without me having ever really used it. It's kinda hard to convince anyone that this is a fantastic platform that's going to eventually crush all the competition If i'm not even using it.

So here it is my belated introduction and pledge to actually participate.

me and my youngest

I suppose the best place to start is with what i plan to write about. I'm a tinkerer and love designing and making things, Im currently building a set of small trebuchets for a game I plan on playing with my family on the fourth of july. If it all works out then next year we go full scale, or as large as my wife will let me.


In a few days i will post the full designs for the trebuchet, then after the fourth one detailing the games we came up with and whether they work out.

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