LoL.Games - A few words about me.

Hello, I am a programmer, steemian, crypto passionate and maybe more (or less) but in this article I want to introduce myself as a gamer and especially League of Legends player. I am not so new to this platform as it seems and I will not hide it. Some of you may know me from my other identity, @mejustandrew. If you ask me how I have made this account or why, maybe you will have the answer in my post How I've made a second account and Why? Pretty obvious isn't it?

I have used @anonsteem to create this account.

@anonsteem is a service that helps you create new accounts anonymously with the price of only 2 Steem. It seems that you will pay 5 Steem at the beginning, don't worry, this is what I have thought too when I wanted to make this account, but you will receive back 3 Steem on the new created account as Steem Power. This service is used mainly for anonymous accounts creation, but I am not making this account completely separate and incognito :D

Now, the reason why @Lol.Games exists is because I wanted to make an account for gaming only, and not to expose the readers of the other account to game related posts. The main thing that pushed me forward in making @Lol.Games is DLive and the possibility to stream there which is also on this blockchain.

Streaming to DLive was a good experience by now, as you can see, I had a couple of streams on this platform and receive two times gratitude from them for these streams. I only had streams of LoL by now, and it is possible that this is how it is going to stay for a long period.

I have talked so much about how this account came to life, but I didn't talked almost at all about who am I in this world of gaming, so let me get started with this.

I am BlindSpotGG in the League of Legends. I started gaming as soon as I got my first PC or even sooner if you take into consideration TV games :)) I've been playing LoL for a few years, even though this account is not so old. Before playing League of Legends I started with Dota (one, of course, by then there was no Dota2). To be honest I still like more the graphics of Dota 1 so you can say about me that I am an old man who does not adapt easily to changes.

I have played LoL for exactly 3 years and maybe a half, and my first account was called SecondMe and if you want to check it, it was on EUNE. Then I've made OdeToJoyTribute or something like that, because I liked so much Ode to Joy by Beethoven and I was a main Teemo on that account too. It was strange to see that you are playing against a Teemo top who was named OdeToJoyTribute :))

I have tried to quit LoL

From this point of view, considering that I am making this post, you can say that I have failed. I tried to quit playing League of Legends multiple times, the first few times I did this because I hadn't the discipline to stop playing and start studying for college classes. I've finished college fortunately, but I still keep playing. The hardest part in quitting LoL was talking with or seeing friends that were playing this game.

It was like being an alcoholic that is trying to quit drinking, but who was going to a bar everyday only to drink lemonade and plain water!

And even worse, when staying in the same room during college with other three guys form which two of them were pretty good players of League of Legends, going to tournaments and things like that. I was seeing them everyday playing, talking about items, builds, team composition, strategy (even though a lot of players of LoL do not understand that this game require a lot of strategy besides skill) and a lot of other things, they made me want to play too. Only to give you a better idea, these guys were one Challenger and one Diamond and I (a Gold) had to see them training together.

The time passed and at one moment in my life I got the discipline to quit LoL. For more than a half of year I didn't even played one game and I haven't even felt the need to play games. I found other ways to waste my time, but not playing a minute. I can't say that this was a good thing, but it was a thing for me :))

Why BlindSpotGG?

I've postponed the explanation of why I got this account and not using the other two, because at this point of writing (reading) it makes a lot more sense. I was at that moment in my life when I said that I want to quit LoL and tried to change the password of my account in one that I won't remember, but it was the email address that one which I could not change. So I started to think how can I change both of them and not to keep the track of my passwords anymore?

What I have done was making a new email address and changing the accounts to the new address and then changed their passwords. Then I have deleted the new passwords which were long enough and random that I could not recall from memory. My accounts were locked forever. I have done this one by one, at first with SecondMe and then when I wanted to play LoL again, I have made OdeToJoyTribute, Then in my desperate try to quit LoL, I have changed the password to OdeToJoyTribute too. That catchy is the game and that weak I am!

But why BlindSpotGG?

BlindSpotGG is the name of the account one of my friends has made because he wanted to have a second account, without any apparent reason. Then he stopped playing on it, because he had the greater account, which had a lot of skins and champions. Since he made this account I used to tell him that the new account's name sounds so great and that I whish I had such an interesting idea of name. BlindSpot sounds so good in my opinion and then GG at the end of the name is the expression that most of the players are saying at the end of the game. It is placed so well at the end in this amazing name. Maybe this account should be named BlindSpotGG and not Lol.Games. But I never imagined that he would give me his account to play on it. At first he gave this account to me only for some team games, then he realized that he does not need so much the new account so he let it to me to play with it and finally he just didn't logged into this account for years. I haven't changed the password of this new account since it wasn't mine. So this could have been a huge problem!

Since I couldn't change the password, how could I quit playing again?

But you remember that I told you that once I really quitted playing, how have I done it? For sure I haven't done it asking myself to change the password of the account. Well, I did this, but he didn't wanted to change the password or forgot to do it, because when I checked after a few days the password was the same. There is no secret here, no easy way. At one day I decided that I don't need anymore to play League of Legends and stopped. I have uninstalled the game, and did not installed it back for more than half of year. I had installed it when I bought a new PC and I wanted to test it, but it was never so hard to stop playing from that moment. I was able to stop anytime I could, I was a cured man!

Hint: I have to tell you that if you want to quit something, whatever addiction you have, you need to stop staying with people who have that addiction. At least in that moments when they are making the thing that you want to stop. For example if you want to stop smoking, don't go outside during breaks with your mates who smoke and tell yourself that you won't smoke, it will be harder for you and even if you stop smoking for a while, you will start again.

A few more facts about BlindSpotGG

  • The account that I have built is Silver 1 at the moment of writing, so it may not be so impressive for many people, but for me it was something really amazing when I first got into Silver 1.
  • This account was never under Silver, if I remember well now even under Silver 4 and I haven't ever been to Bronze, but I once carried people from Bronze.
  • Every year I finished in Gold, but I've never been higher than Gold 3 if I remember well.
  • The most honored champion with it was Anivia, more details in the previous post.
  • I haven't invested any money into this game, even though I have played it a lot, but even playing is contributing to the community of the game so you can consider it as a contribution. I considered a few times buying skins in the honor of the people who made this game, but they made my addiction :))
  • It is main Teemo, as you can see from the picture above, I got two skins on it too, Super Teemo and Panda Teemo, both received as gifts.

I hope you have liked my introduction post and if you are into gaming, LoL. streaming and stuff like that, you can give me a follow. If not, I don't encourage you to do so, why have you been reading by now?

Happy gaming everybody!

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