Introducing the guy who is tired of bending over.

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What’s up my Steemians? Let me nibble at your ear about why I decided to stop getting screwed over by my clients.

Quick introduction: I'm @logos-lucivoz. I’m based out of Austin, the Capital City of the Great Nation of Texas. I’m a “professional contractor” with over 10 years experience copy-writing & editing for private & corporate clients, especially within the MLM industry.

What the hell is copywriting and what the hell is MLM? Ah. Topics for future posts! But you should already be well aware of popular MLM's, like the one I used to work for:

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Back to my main idea.

I’ve willingly subjected myself to the bite of one torpedo shark after another in the guise of clients well poised to screw me over.

Is it because I’ve been a naïve, sniveling, low-confidence dummy? Is it because I didn’t value the worth of my work, & decided to settle for less?

Yes. Yes it is. I have acknowledged and accepted this, and learned a valuable lesson. I’m tired of thrusting my hindquarters way, WAY up into the air.

I’m ready to grow into a real man.

What snapped me out of it?


It’s been 2 years since I’ve seen my mother. I recently flew her in to spend a month with my wife (Dio) & I. It was a cathartic experience. You see, Dio’s waging war on her own Archons, and my mother is learning how to cope with a slew of ailments. In the middle of all these unfamiliar family dynamics I found myself undergoing a powerful transmutation: I realized both my mother & wife need me to become an upstanding man.

Another thing happened during my mother’s visit: Dio and I found ourselves talking about kids. Woah. Talk about a paradigm shift. I had second profound realization: I need to take the steps necessary to become the father my kids deserve, because I’m certainly not at that level. Not yet.

Drawing power from these new insights, I was ready for the white-knuckled curve ball my current corporate client decided to direct my way. And boy was it doozy. But that’s a topic for another blog post.

Here’s the TL;DR version.

My client’s record keeping system sucks, and I didn’t get paid for hours I very clearly, very obviously worked.

In response, I spent 2 days composing a 13 pg. report explaining why they are demonstrably wrong and why their system sucks. Screen shot from one of the pages below:
And with that email sent, I dusted off my Steemit account and wrote up this intro. I think these the are appropriate first steps toward figuring out how to turn what I love into a source of security for the people I love.

I look forward to churning out a steady supply of content on various topics such as: local happenings/adventures, my thoughts about the events unfolding on the global stage, blog posts on self-empowerment and personal transmutation, anarchy, and even expeditions into popular conspiracy theories!

Thanks for lending me your ears, fellow Steemians! Be seeing you in a weird blog post soon and remember: ROW! ROW! FIGHT THE POWER!


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