From Healing Artist to Crypto Investor...who knew?

Hello SteemIt Community! I’m happy to be here and look forward to getting to know you, engage with you, and grow our dreams together.

First, this is how I got here…

After taking a leap 5 years ago by leaving the healing arts world after 24 years, I had no idea what I was going to do “with my life” professionally. My heart is into writing, which as we all know...takes time to grow financially, let alone creatively!

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, along came a dear friend of mine with an opportunity to have a business in Compumatrix & Networking International, Inc. (CNI) It took a couple of months before I asked her to sit me down and show me what this was all about. Because at first, I didn’t get it. But I had a feeling. Being an intuitive type, I committed to stepping into it. My process was similar to @vilius, so I won’t repeat it here. He does a great job sharing what the CNI process has been like in the past couple of years.

For me, it’s been 2 years of learning and absorbing the incredible opportunity CNI & everything related to it IS...for everyone. What I love most is that anyone with curiosity and vision can do this business. Not just those who are old time investors or Bitcoin enthusiasts, who know what they’re doing already!

Crypto’s are changing the financial platform of the World, as you may already know if you’re here in SteemIt.

And CNI will be a leader, soon.

From our humble Founder, Henry James Banayat, the passionate Board of Directors, and the commitment of its members, we are here to make a difference by giving those who don’t have a lot, a chance to be a Cryptopreneur (I may have made that word up…!) Very much like what’s happening here with SteemIt.

That’s what I love the most about these opportunities.

I didn’t come into this business with much, so I know what it’s like to be on the bottom of the heap, and be given a chance to reach the top. All the while, helping others to do the same. This is the deeper value of what we are here to do.

As a healing artist, I know that any truly successful idea starts with integrity and the passion to serve people. When it comes down to it, that’s what matters, not the financial success. With CNI, we have both.

After going through the ups & downs of trying to find my next in life, I have been given an unprecedented opportunity. I am eternally grateful.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be in this financial world, which is so different from the healing arts world, I may not have believed you. I am. We’re all going to rock it. SteemIt. BitShares. Compumatrix. I feel it. Kudos to you for stepping into something so new and doing your part ♥

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