My wife dragged me into this - Introduce myself - The Merry Photographer

Man, It's been 15 years I think since I got on a train. @catalincernat picked me up from my bedroom literally in the morning.


It seems he's got my wife involved into Steemit and now he wants me in too.

Well at least I did some jogging yesterday. For sure I could use some killos less as I'm fat as a hog :))

I've been on the road for some time now and I have to say I've missed the days behind the camera. I now discover that my set has not only been taken care of but also upgraded with some new toys.

Boy what a day it was yesterday. Just like in my childhood times, jumping from one train to another to catch the Michael Jackson concert back in '92. I was only eleven years old and I really can't understand even now how a small, blondish boy from a village near Ploiesti, managed to run with some full of hormones, 16 year old girls, all the way to Bucharest. Well... yeah, I've got flashes of memories from that concert. I recall an old hag that let us inside her block and we managed to see more than half of the concert from above, on the roof of the building.

Man, if I would've only had a camera with me at that time.

Yesterday I had some of that flavor of my life...though now I have 90 kilos more.


We've drank like half a kilo of cogniac on the way, we spoke loud and laughed our asses off. We've shot like 1000 pictures, we got people come to us because we were pointing the camera at them. Of course we were shooting non stop.

Now all the way to Bucharest, in the brief moments we didn't make fun of everyone and everything around like we were two virgin teenagers, Catalin tried to explain some of the notions I should have if I start Steemin'.

Look...I listened but hey...seems a little like rocket science at the moment. For sure I'll try to understand but for now I'm here to show you my style of photography.



I hope you've got room for another photographer around here and a huge one I'm afraid. Please don't ever make me go inside a porcelain shop.

Before running outside Romania's borders to go looking for money (like every human being around these parts it seems), I had some practice and did a lot of events jobs. But you know... going to events, shooting people that do not really want to be there, trying to get them to pose, sometimes their feet are hurting from the small shoes and they just want to sit down...well... it's not the most offering kind of photography. Still. A man's gotta do what he's gotta do to provide...

It seems this platform rewards content and as far as I've been told (by my wife @vargart and my godfathers into Steemit @catalincernat and @vonaurolacu) you are encouraged to follow your hobbies, your passions and your style.

Strange things happened while I was away eh?! :))




Getting to Bucharest in the North Station was something I didn't thought I will ever do again. That's because my ass is mostly stuck to the chair of my car. I don't regret it. Plus the fact that I paid less than 2 euro for this ride.


Romania is as dull as I used to know it but still, the land of all opportunities. Both financially and for photography subjects.



I got to the Lokal bar where Catalin took me in order to meet a lot of people already in Steemit 10 kilos sweat and already hungry. "Beer" was the treat of the day it seems as we managed to have a great time and also swallow 3 beers each fast.


Funny thing was that half an hour we stayed in two separate groups, one table next to each other but we never knew who was who. We were waiting for them and they were waiting for us.

So I think I got on the right foot here, meeting actual, flesh and bones (not accounts) people.

There is some pictures from @steemromania meeting ..










Hope you will like my pictures and I hope I'll manage to stay motivated.

See u around!

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