Of Purple Shades and Hope

Hey, hey, hey fellow earthlings! After much encouragement from my friends, I am finally breaking free of my shell and welcoming myself to Steemit!


Me being my most genuine self, with a lopsided head-tilt, I formally introduce myself as Lilacbeams! Though if that gets too wordy for ya, you can call me "Gian" or "G".

My username holds more about me than I'd like it to: Lilacbeams is a little play on words that shortly describe who I am and who I try to be, stemmed from my favorite shade of purple: lilac!

It coincidentally is also a beautiful flower that symbolizes first love or old love. Pretty romantic if you ask me.

For the beams part, it comes from a side of myself that I have difficulty in showing, an optimistic Gian. I love the synonymic image of a beam of light portraying hope, dreams, and happiness. All together, Lilacbeams is more of like who I want to become: someone who isn't easily swayed by the harshness of the world but someone who takes on the world with the heels of positivity and the beauty of a timeless flower. I will try my best to let you know more about me as I continue to pen-down my thoughts in the eyes of Lilacbeams.

Have I piqued your interest yet? In this lil community here, my contribution will mostly be centered on my growth as a human being, so I hope you're all interested in makeup artistry, music (mostly BTS and emo rock ballads I grew up in), and maybe a few serious topics here and there.

Before I go, I would like to give a special shout out to my friends @nikkaruuth and @inshiangdee for helping me with this first post (they're in the pic with another friend)
and @shairanada for being that friend who introduced me to this wonderful community!

I'll stop here for now, xoxo!

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