Introduce Yourself - Hi Im a Human from Canada eh

idk why people think we say eh
Hi i don't know why im doing this but kms.

Hi users of steemit. Im new here you could call me a noob.

I was born in Canada Alberta nice place it just Justin Trudeau Hates Alberta something about his father. Any ways i was born here and suck at talking i was a little not good at English but way better at every else. So i was born here the first cool thing that happened to me was when i was in kindergarten (you were bad at speaking English) yes but, when you young you can hang out with girls so we would play a game were like you had to like how can i explain this tag them i guess. But what was cool or guess bad was that it was earth day. What was bad that my school was on a hill and the gym you had to take stairs down. So in the morning before school started all my friends would play that game and other games. So this girl was chasing me to the park (it was for the litter kids was on the same level as the school) so i was running up the hill to it and for safety reasons there was a fence with 2 metal bars across, so i was running ducked my head and hit my eye what sucked but whatever.

So i wasn't having the best day i got a black eye. the good part was that when me and my grade 6 buddy ( that is what they were called) were picking up trash it was earth day. When we were done we began walking to get are plant at the school we were the last ones, but im not sure why i got my picture in the mail people in my school were talking how cool that was. bilde.jpg

now i think i was weird looking but i think that's normal.

Then in grade 2 Our community library start this program were they would bring books to the bus to places outside the city so that kids could have more chances to read. Our class was lined up on a wall and i got into a magazine i still don't know why did i look good i have no idea. (probably not im ugly leave me alone) currently couldn't find the magazine

In Grade 7 i decide i should do good in school (maybe just because i didn't want to be by rued people)
later i got accepted into grade 8 honors, and now i got accepted into grade 9.

Help me grade 10 English is going to be hard nooooo well i guess ill haft to try.

im here at steemit and i what to help my fellow steemians

currently i just posted 2 posts and i want to know what you guys want me to post articles, tutorials, or anything i have too much time and nothing to do.

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