What I Forgot To Do in My Intro Post

Hello Steemengines!

A few days ago, I published my introduction post. But I forgot an important piece.

For others who, like me, aren't yet acquainted with all the Steemit best practices, here's a tip I just learned: When you publish your introduction post, you should include a photo of yourself holding up a sign with that day's date written on it.

This is a good guideline. It helps verify that you are who you say you are, and that your account is not someone pretending to be you, or plagiarizing your work. Since I forgot to do this, for all anyone knows, I could be an imposter!

I'm not an imposter. ;)

Here's my validation photo:

Follow me for strange, fantastical fiction, humor, and interesting tidbits. Today I published the third and final part of a short story I wrote, "Bound for the Shady Grove", about a sentient mushroom fungus and its discovery of a girl. I'd love it if you checked it out!


Thanks, Steemfolk! I'm excited to be a part of this amazing experiment!

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