My presentation in Steemit. New in this!

Hi, everyone!


My name is Leonelis Guzmán, I have 22 years old and I am Physiotherapist, waiting for my university degree that I'll have in my hands very soon 🎓, proudly gratuated from UCV: Universidad Central de Venezuela, also called: “ The house that overcomes shadows”.


Part of Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Statue: "Maternity"


It's not beautiful?
Universidad Central de Venezuela, axial view.

I am born in El Tigre, a "small city" located in the state Anzoátegui, in Venezuela; however, actually living —alone— in Caracas (Capital District), for 4 years, to could study that beautiful career, the best that I could have chosen. Living alone, 8 hours from my house, hasn't been easy; has been hard, I have to admit it. Sometimes we want to grow so quick, be independent and everything; but we doesn't take into account everything that goes with it. However, I'm already in the final stretch —finally!—.

Capital District: "Caracas"

I'm a faithful believer that music can cure anything, and although has been abandoned by me for a while, I always have it in my mind. I have a acoustic guitar that I can consider as “my most precious thing”, seriously. If, hypothetically, a fire happens —very hypothetically—, and I would have the opportunity to save one thing, would be my guitar. I don't consider myself the best playing it, but it's my escape method: If I really feel frustrated and need to run away, it's my salvation. It's always there for me, so faithful.

I also have a little flute. It have a powerful value: It was from my uncle. In fact, it's the only thing that I keep from him, so for me it's a treasure, it's worth so much, that in that hypothetical fire where I can only take one thing; I hide it under my shirt, but I also take it with me.


My baby 💖
Source: Mine.

To make a short story, I consider myself someone who loves to help others, that's why I think I chosed the right career , because basically it's based on it and that I'm passionate about, it fascinates me, I love it. I love it so much, so much, that I've been worked hard —and I still work to hard— to do a good job, so I'm always reading, studying, taking courses, going to centers, from here to there; I have a thirst for learning, I always want more, more, more.

Pediatric physiotherapy 💕
Source: Mine too.

I love to dance with all my strength. And not, I'm not a ballet dancer or professional dancer, I'm just a simple person with two legs who can't hear a good "salsa" song, "merengue", "bachata", and any type of music. Dancing gives me an infinite happiness; in fact, I think my happiest moments have been dancing!


How did a get to Steemit?

I came to this community thanks to a friend, excellent cook, although I haven't had the luck to taste their pancakes —no matter, my pancakes are better, always— @JatoP, who told me a little about Steemit. But I understood so much thanks to my quasi-colleague, physiotherapist too; @orimaldonado, who in a night where had been planificated so much study, ended up being a good "Basic course on how to use Steemit". Thank you so much, to both. 💕

What you, guys, will see in my publications may not be cooking topics — I know cook, but I'm not a professional in that— , I don't paint, I don't write poetry —unless I'm very inspired— , or stories, I don't consider myself an inveterate writer. What you will read in my publications, will be more than all anecdotes, my ways of see the world, of analyzing everything that happens to me or what happens around me , and why not?, one that another topic where I can teach them something new, or I hope so. I also hope that they are of your liking, they give them that "click" they need, they see it as something useful, necessary, or that they simply find it fun. In a few words: That can enjoy them!

Also, I hope I can meet new people and interact , leave my comfort zone —comfort virtual zone— , and read a lot about you guys, learn from what you do and what you think.

Thank you so much to all those who took minutes of their time to read me. Leave me your comment! To read you too. 👀

I accept suggestions and recommendations! All, are welcome.

—Leonelis Guzmán lazo4.jpg

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