Hello everyone from an Italian in Ireland who doesn't have a clue about what to write in this post xD

So... here I am!

How did I end up here? Mystery.
What am I gonna write about? No clue (yet).

Who am I? I'm an Italian 30-something nobody who has been living in Dublin, Ireland for the past 6 years.
What am I doing with my life? I'm a Tech Recruiter with an unhealthy passion for web development, data analysis, and all-things science. (Yes, I know... why the hell am I still working in recruitment is another mystery)

I don't have much time to write (and I shouldn't as my native language isn't English - grammar nazis, please be patient with me), as I have a pretty busy life mostly taken up by my half Irish/half Italian son (I'm warning you, he'll be the next Messi Del Piero), but if I will... here's a list of things I'm pretty hands-on with:

  • All-things Dragon Ball (at the time I'm writing I just re-watched DBS ep. 122 for the third time and it's out only a few hours)
  • Anime/Manga in general (but mostly 80s/90s stuff)
  • Ireland/Irish stuff (IG: sayireland)

That's all for now folks!
Thanks for having me as a part of Steemit :)



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