My Journey From An International Model To A Licensed Therapist - Personal Development Adviser & Trainer.

Heya! After a few weeks of thinking about what to write…I camed to the idea of writing a little bit about me and how I got to be a trainer – therapist & personal development adviser after leaving the life of an international model.



Yes, I worked as a model, from country to country, from city to city, carring in my backpack always some high heels and a lot of maps. I had to go from casting to casting, it is like going to an interview, but at least 5 / day…borring and tiring, huh? Yep, it was…but oh so beautiful, when u get in front of the cameras, the fatigue is gone suddenly, it is overwhelming how good and successful you can feel.

I have done this until I was 25 years old, because they said I was too old for modeling.


No grudges, I have been a model since I was 11 years old, many years of work, behind and in front of the stage, so, it was DONE for me.

So, one day, the last day of my modeling contract, in an airport (do not really remember from which country it was), I passed by a small bookstore, and a white book cut my eyes. It was written “Brain lock” – Free yourself from obsessive-compulsive behavior. I said “well, at least it has photos” . I was already into psychology, but not so much to read a book that contains a lot of pages about it, and especially about neurological parts that I could not understand at that time.


Anyway, I got the book, and got into my plane. I was too tired to read it, so in about 30 min I was sleeping. No offense, the book is great.

It passed by a couple of weeks until I got to open it again, and when I did it I was amazed. It was very good and helping information.

But the book did not convinced me at that time to follow the path of psychology.

So I started the University of Literature – English & Italian, my two favourite languages.

But after some nasty experiences at this university (teachers that wouldn`t come to class, nothing to learn, and ohhh the british novels) I said quit!

Two years of trying to make something in this life and did not worked out.

So I returned to my Brain Lock Book, and my personal brain said: you can do this, go to the university of psychology!
And yes I did it, I was so content of my newest idea that I wanted to tell to all my friends, family, to all.

But, only my parents said “go for it”, the rest of them asked me every time “what will you do with this university, what future will you have, staying in a boring office, and talking to all the mad people in the world”, or “only crazy people will go to this, because you need to resolve your own problems”.


I was never a quitter, so I did not abondened my idea.

The first year of practicing in a mental hospital, institutes and all kind of children institutes that cared about those with special needs, I cried each day on my way back home. Everyday I looked up in the sky, hoping there was a God who can hear and feel that I am grateful to be here on Earth and having the life I had.

Well, 3 years passed so hard, the exams were terrifying, the teachers the same , but I could not give up, I knew that I have something good to give back to the world.

I started to love being a shadow of a kid with autism, that was my first real job, paid (very poor) but that did not mattered, I was doing what I dreamed about.

So, “easy” like that passed my 4 years of shadowing for kids with Autism, ADHD or Down Syndrome, in schools or kindergartens. Meanwhile, I learned how to be a therapist, ABA therapy was my first love. You can meet all kind of children, with big or small problems, the secret is to find out what they like and introduce it in your therapy, so it can be more interactive and satisfying for the kid.


One day I said “I can do more”, so I got a new degree, of a personal development adviser for all ages.
After that, I got a new one – trainer, trainer for the ones that are student in special psychopedagogy, for mums that do not know what to do when they meet new situation with their children, for anyone who I can help to offer good and useful information.

So, this is me, now I am all these, and I am not done yet, still learning, still wanting more.

If you want to know more about me, if you think that you empathy with what I write please join me through this journey.
Iam here to offer something back to the world, I love writing articles and all my words are true and written with all my heart.

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