Kerrey: An introduction

Hello Steemians. Before this I had completely sworn off social media, and I'm still not even sure about this to be honest. My smartest friends introduced me to it so it must have some semblance of legitimacy. I quit social media because it scares me how much surveillance is done on everyday citizens. It seems unnatural to me how much advertising is tailored to each person based on the things they post or research. I was drawn to Steemit because it feels like Reddit, and I have a feeling that I will be able to post about the things I'm passionate about without fear. I see that the community here is more intelligent and open for discussion than any social media platform I have seen. I'm really excited to meet like-minded individuals who are "woke" and ready to discuss said "wokeness".

IMG_0773.JPGimage.pngA little about myself: My name is Kerrey, I'm 24, and I have a bachelors in Psychology. I have an eclectic range of interests so I'll just make a list:
Long boarding (I own a LandYacht, hence the username LandYachtzgirl)IMG_0275.JPG
Gardening IMG_0873.JPG
Becoming self sustainable
Music festivals and raves
Plus size rave fashionIMG_0774.JPG
Psychedelics/trip reports
Marijuana and it's many wonderful uses
Tarot Cards and the occult
Weight loss IMG_0330.JPG
History (real history not written by the winners)
Gaming (my gamer tag is the same as my username)
Conspiracy truthies (the term conspiracy theory was created on purpose to make us look like nut-jobs)
If any of this interests you, follow me so we can be friends! I'm going to end this post with a chalk pastel drawing I did of an alien smoking a joint, because who wouldn't want to see that?

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