Kristin Lopopolo joining Steemit!

Hi world!


My name is Kristin Lopopolo and I live in the United States of America.

I was born and raised in Sunny South Florida and I come from a lively American-Italian background.

I wear a variety of hats and have heaps of titles (daughter, big sister, little sister, dog mommy, girlfriend, friend, boss, fashion lover, teacher, blogger, luxury brand ambassador, life enthusiast - I can go on and on). And, I have PLENTY of interests and hobbies - from traveling, to bike riding, to rollerblading, singing, dancing, making people laugh, shopping for deals, and so on. I LOVE to have fun and I crave the outdoors!


I am excited to be joining Steemit to share parts of my exciting and fulfilling life with all of you. What would you guys like to see? I am going to try to ween off of instagram, but in the meantime, I must learn how to use this site!

I have another Steem account for my personal lifestyle website, Please check out @thatstits!


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