Hello, there is no need to speak loudly

Hello Steemians,

I'm Alek.

Long long ago in a galaxy far far away wonderful guy named Mark Sandman wrote song titled Do not go quietly unto your grave. Nowdays we can say using Cohen words "his body is gone but back here on the lawn his spirit continues to drool". I still like this spirit but lately I've started arguing with him.janusz & złe nasiona 3 trochę jaśniej.jpg

And today I prefer go quietly unto my grave.

My task here is to convince you that there is no need to speak loudly.

I strongly believe that there is no need to use exclamation mark in every act, every word and every photo. That's why you will not find here "hot news", "shocking content" and any other sneaky marketing tricks. In network, like in our daily life, there should exist places with no "specific or technical use", but with open content which are able to refresh our minds. Refresh in peacful way. Also here I hope to find this kind of places.

Nearly two years ago I started take pictures. I always believe that picture is like a window, but I realized that just behind the window is a mirror. When you look at pictures you see not only substance and style but especially you see yourself. I would like to know real me and real you. This goal determines substance and style of my pictures.

About me:

I'm nearly 30 and I'm from Poland. I've studied classical philology, art critic and (shortly) nanotechnology. Yes, "I've been all around, I've done a few things and I spent a few nights on the floor", but there is no need to speak loudly about it .

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