Born in the heart of the Carpathian mountains, I got enchanted at a really early age by the wonders of nature around me. I loved to see the world as it is, as a place built up from eternal creative wisdom, a place where we, humans have the chance to express our-18485414_1282442985208786_757118472559848266_n.jpgself in infinite modalities. Since then I walk hand in hand with arts and crafts. I create every day, I put my souls' whispers on the paper, paint my sadness on the canvas and sing my laughter in the skies. Until yesterday, I've been silent, not ready for the world outside of me. Hermit in every way! Then I decided to have a try and spread my words across my fellow humans, in the hope that I can lure out some emotion from their heart. The truth is, that nowadays we lack emotional bonding and poetry, music is the most beneficial way to sew the mass into a warm blanket. Honestly, I never published my work before, I was not feeling ready for it.
Thank you and have a lovely day!

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