Life in Medical School:The journey so far....

Towards the end of August 2012,cant remember the exact date I gained admission to the University for Development Studies Tamale Ghana to study MEDICINE. First it was a dream come true then it dawned on me I was leaving my parents to a country I had never visited.
Preparations started immediately, starting from payment of school fees, buying clothes and shoes that would be appropriate for a "medical student"to the booking of our tickets to the foreign land. Did I just write 'our'? Yes I did, my parents wasn't going to leave their first son in the hands of a foreigner . Lol. Well all these logistics took about 10 days and we were set. Trust me I wasn't, the fear of medical school embalmed me
On the 10th September 2012, We left Nigeria for Ghana and every single detail of what went on during the journey still flashes through my head as though it happened yesterday. I won't bore you with the details. We got to Ghana late at night and lodged in a hotel. Whilst on transit from the airport to the hotel, one word I noticed everywhere was the word "akwaaba" even to the room where we lodged. Out of curiosity I questioned the receptionist and she said it meant 'Welcome'. I was impressed by the culture, one good traits the Ghanaians have is upholding their culture.
The Next morning, we rushed to the airport for our 6:00am flight to tamale where my school was located. The flight lasted for one hour. Upon our arrival at the Tamale airport, suddenly my mood changed and I wasn't feeling alright anymore, reality sets in and the weather and everything in tamale didn't not seem to appease me.....
To be continued tomorrow, I'm not good at writing many words.

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