Playing with Fire, Breaking Legs and Graphic Design

Hello Steemit Universe!

This is my first post and I'm already thinking about the future formatting of my posts!
I am a graphic designer working for myself, but I have multiple passions.


I've always been more artistically inclined, but found graphic design in 2010. I liked the order and purpose for every line and detail. It involves art, and it features art, but it is not "art." It is functional beauty, it is visual order, it is a particular aesthetic for for a specific purpose.
“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.”
— Joe Sparano, graphic designer

(I DO love art though!!)
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About 5 years ago I started hula hooping for a fun way to exercise. A year later, hooping turned to fire-hooping. I've been hooked on fire performing ever since. It allows me to physically challenge myself while also expressing myself.

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I decided to push myself even harder by getting into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu about 2.5 years ago. I guess the physical sense it was a continuation of what I started with hooping. The more I progressed, the more I wanted to challenge myself.

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Not only was I advancing physically, I was also challenging myself mentally. I was learning the technique and drilling it over and over. The more I achieved, the more confidence I had.
(I essentially gave myself permission to succeed.)
I was reaching out to others and becoming part of a community, connecting with people I would have otherwise never met.

I am certainly an advocate of fully immersing yourself in the things that move you... Which is exactly what I'm trying to do here... while also building my design company... (eek!)...

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