Introducing Myself

“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag. Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?" Katy Perry prayed in her 2010 song. I once felt the same. Not now, now I have grown ...
And I still want to float ...
More not like a bag.
But to be that same wind, which for me must be autumn.
I've spent these last years writing on sheets of messy paper, looking for myself in the letters, in the picture, and I've given the blows of my life in it. Finding who I am I'm ... A good administrator? No, no, definitely not. Maybe a writer ... that can be, it's better! I also like a little to make permanent the moments of life that looks beautiful ... and those that do not so much, but that deserve to be eternal, even with their darkness. Oh, and what can I say about the music ... Vivo per lei and that's enough.
I live and live my day to day on a rich land, working with what I like, but not with what I want. This land used to be also the land of opportunities, but with the passing of the last months many people believe that the name is already big. I do not, I still imagine a beautiful future here. It is a pity that this has forced so many brothers to escape.
I draw plants on the walls and water them in my garden, I write nice letters to acquaintances and not so well known and then I burn them on my roof. I observe the beauty of a simple city landscape, and I let myself be seduced by the sound of the drops falling against the floor in the storms. I fell in love with Greece and its gods. I share my life in laughter, and I also admire and enjoy the sadness. I am Scout. 2017-08-12_09.14.32_1[1].jpgI grow up, but I try not to do it too quickly. Just in case, they still want to give me a treat on my birthday.
This is my life, this is me.

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