Hello Fellow Steemians! I've come to bring smiles and silliness to Steemit

Hey Everybody!!

So I've just made the migration over to Steemit from "That other social media platform" (for obvious reason) and I can already tell this is going to be a much better experience! What little I do know about the steemit platform (from the 5 YouTube videos I watched as research) it seems like an amazing community of like minded people who are ready for a Social Media Revolution.

I wanted to take a few moments of your time to introduce myself to everyone and share a little bit about what I do and what it is you can come to expect from blogs, vlogs, posts etc. So let's jump right into the formalities, shall we?!
(Quite the mug, I know)
My real name is Sean, I'm 35 and from a small town in north eastern Michigan. By day, I'm still caught up in the 9 to 5 world of sales and customer service (hopefully Steemit will change that). But, by night I'm a researcher, philosopher, meditation teacher and amateur content creator. Over the past year and a half I've created a few FB groups that delve into topics like; the Occult, Conspiracy, Spirituality, the secrets to life and addiction recovery (I'll include the links below, feel free to examine them at your leisure)occult anatomy.jpg

Civil Disobedience
Civile Disobedience.jpg
Where I try to expose the inner workings of corrupt systems of government around the world, corporations and other "Evil-Doers"
and The Mind's Corner Where I expolore the human psyche (myself as the main guinney pig ) to disocver; what makes us tick, why we find ourselves in the life situations we do.

And a few other pages that I'll post about in later blogs, since this is an intro after all.

So I'm sure at this point you're beginning to wonder "what's this guy talking about and why is he here?"

To which I would reply "Great question, I'm still working on that and let me get back to you"

I suppose one of the biggest motivating factors that pushed me to get into publishing my work (this is the part where I sound a little nuts but bear with me) is that very strange events started happening to me, mentally, physically and emotionally, to the point I thought I was legit going crazy (don't worry I had clinical professionals verify I'm not) things that at the time, I had no way of explaining to myself or even putting into context that made any sense. Things like randomly hearing peoples thoughts and getting massive random downloads of information about things I knew nothing about.
That started a now 9 year journey to seek, discover, integrate and share what it is we truly are as human beings and our full potential to experience the magic of this crazy trip called life!
me animated.jpg

I'll share more later about how I went from Rock Bottom (the pain of losing everything because of addiction) to loving the Joy of life and walking up everyday happy for no other reason besides being here another day!

Why, because maybe, Just maybe someone else out there may be in a situation like I was with no one to turn to, while strange reality bending experiences are happening. I guess the main point, to quote someone (who's name I can't remember at the moment) "To be for someone, what no one was for me"

Anyway, since this is beginning to drag on longer than I'd hoped I'll end it here with a "Thanks for sticking it through to the end" and "To be continued"!

Much love and Respect

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