1. I AM Kensey Jean - Get to know me!

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Hello! I am Kensey Jean. I owe my friend Chandra (@chandralm) a lot of props for getting me on here; it was one of those intuitive nudges I'm sure many of you have had; when you know something is to be a part of your destiny and that you should jump on it. So I did - twice- thanks to her. First for joining Steemit and second for writing my intro!


I think sometimes it's difficult to convey your soul story in a few simple words and sentences and expect people to see you as more than one thing. At least this seems to be where I'm at right now in my life. I'm a Photographer and Influencer, but I'm also many things contrary to the world wanting me to describe myself as only one thing I do. Am I a Photographer? Am I a Blogger? What one thing am I to the world? Can I say I'm a Prisim? I believe my soul runs much deeper than how I appear to others.


My other friend mentioned to me the other day that I represent a prism. And I feel that deeply in my soul; hence the name, "Prism of Soul" that I'm currently going along with on my social media handles. I like fashion, photography, art, philosophy, Asian culture, and spirituality. I want to combine them all because that's what makes me who I am. I am not just one thing. I am multidimensional; a soul who is speaking her truth. I'd much rather be valued by my character than by my achievements or just the things I do... so I won't bore you with the things i've done; perhaps its the humbleness in me, but i'll let it speak for itself in the posts I write and let you decide.


So with that said, in the coming posts I'll be expressing all things that resonate with my soul. I hope to get to know you all better and the Steemit community!

Electronically yours, (haha inspired by a youtube video - How to send an 'E mail' - Database - 1984)
@kenseyjean or @thekenseyjean

More props to @sillygraphy_ on instagram for some of the photos. Edited by myself always.

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