My Introductory Post

Hello my fellow Hivers,
Nice to meet you all and to be truthful it feels pretty good to be here. Sincerely, so much has been heard about this platform and I would just like to say thanks for having me here.
My name for short is Kella and yes that's my real name actually😅 well, native name. I currently stay in Nigeria Lagos State actually Born December 7th Actually i'm learning under an organization called BCT Limited | Software Development

I Have a particular feel and fervour for computer, actually anything computers I just love it from Software Development to Game Development to Ethical Hacking; I love the idea of it all. So, if I were to rank my favorite personal hobbies, programming/coding would be on top.

My main goal is to make the world a better and easier place with my contribution to teaching interested persons how to better achieve their Tech career dreams and make life in general easier with the use of computer. My target is to impact 10 million people. It might sound big but 😅that's just what i would like to do or what makes me feel fulfilled. As stated by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf the former president of Liberia and from the book "Atomic Habits" Published by James Clear " If your dreams do not scare you, they're not big enough." So why not just dream BIG that's my spice of life.


It didn't take that long to think of what i wanted to become in the future. At the age of 8-9, I started learning programming, at first I understood it but I couldn't exactly put it into use because of school works and other things. Therefore, for a while, I just knew it but couldn't work with it. After a while when is I started practicing and using it more, I began to understand the basics and from basics, I understood intermediate concepts. Now, Programming has become my breath. My best programming languages are:

  • Python
  • Html/Css
  • Java Script
  • Php
  • Rust
  • React
  • Luan


I also like to play music. I play the Acoustic guitar, I don't exactly have a genre of music so whatever I feel like playing I just play. I first picked up a guitar when i was about 5-6 after sometime of youtube videos and apps, I learned a bit of how to play it.

I am an introvert, talking isn't exactly what i like to do so being quiet is my best comfort zone. I was introduced to hive by @joebolite97 after realizing how helpful an online blog like this can be.

I hope to positively contribute to this platform and impact the platform in ways that it would benefit the community in general.

Thanks for this opportunity hive

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