It’s All in the description :D


So I am originally from Eastern Europe, came to USA about 2 years ago and currently living in Seattle ( surviving pretty much with all this cost of living going up) but its a great city and I love it, last year around November I find out about ETH and its potential, found it interesting but as I was getting ready to visit old home ( Eastern Europe) around December I needed every penny and $11 per coin was not cheap for me, needless to say I did not invested or further investigated ETH or the crypto world, made a trip to Europe and stayed there till the end of March of 2017, between visiting friends, family, getting drunk and dealing with hangovers I never once checked ETH, it was my first thing to do when I GET BACK TO the real world, well I came back broke and eventually remember this ETH coin so I was like hm lets see about that, it was already at $50 :/, quickly I calculated how much money I spent in Europe and what would be my ROI if I went in ETH instead of Europe and just like that.. made my next two months miserable :), again in June I decided to dive into the crypto world, checked ETH and it was $230 right now :/, if I haven not felt like a complete Idiot before surely now I did, Well got over that too and now completely recovered few days later got into Crypto currencies and never looked back after that ( whole 2.5 months lol), Its been a nice ride so far, more I know about Blockchain more I believe and more I am getting exited about the future,

so...greetings my fellow steemians ...its a pleasure to be a part of this revolution,

I have actually submitted 2 stories before introducing myself ( going backwards here I know) so please go check them out as well upvote and follow, I am still figuring how upvotes benefit me lol but If I can be a part of community that is working, learning and exited about the better future for all of us then thats good enough for me, if I can contribute to that as well, well ...thats just beautiful,


thank you for reading and keep0n.steemin

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