My Name’s Max, And I’m Mad

Meow Humans,

I’m writing to you from my Master’s laptop. I have heard her talk about Steemit for quite some time now and decided what the hell, as long as it doesn’t interrupt with my napping hours, why not share some posts about my life!


I am from México, I speak fluent in Cat, Spanish, English and Spanglish. I am young and extremely fluffy, and am also told on a regular basis of how cute I am.


Now while the title of this post suggests that I possess a ‘mad’ personality, I will point out that this is not always the case. In fact, I have a set routine each day that allows me to sleep, cuddle with my Masters, play fight with my older, orange brother Mefisto, and pursue a crazy, hyper active run around the apartment chasing nothing (usually between the hours of 11pm - 2am).


I also have 7 different meows which I like to frequently articulate when the mood is appropriate. My Master always laughs at me when I express my different meows, but doesn’t always listen to them.

For example, my brother and I always have cat biscuits to eat, but sometimes I don’t want biscuits. I want some tasty, succulent, tender canned meat! Imagine if you had to eat bread every meal of your life... well that’s how I feel about those damn biscuits.

So I find my Master and I meoow my hungry meoow to her while rubbing against her legs, looking up at her while doing so. I do this for a minute and never change the routine. It’s always the same, but my Master only attends to my request about 80% of the time!

I don’t get it, my routine never changes, but isn’t understood everytime.

Any other Cat’s on here that have a similar problem?

Anyway, this has been nice. Must go for now, getting sleepy.

Meowest Regards,


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