The Biggest Mistake I Made in My 1st Day on Steemit

Yep. I got in trouble on my first day on Steemit for being too enthusiastic, lol!

Figures. My enthusiasm gets away from me sometimes. Here’s a prime example from Canada Day many years ago:

Canada Day

Anyway, back to my mistake. There I was, hopping around commenting on people’s posts, welcoming other newbies to Steemit, ridiculously excited about being here, and I got shut down by a bandwith limit.

I knew I had to be careful with upvotes, but I didn’t realize that EVERYTHING you do on Steemit takes bandwith. (Yes, newbie mistake, but I'm only a 2-day-old minnow, so...) All those comments shut me down.

I was watching my SteemPower on, as per this content-rich article about your first month on Steemit by @adonisabril— but I didn’t see anything there about bandwidth. There are other things in that article I’m still trying to wrap my head around, and work out how I feel about the ethics. More on that below.

NEWBIE TIP — Check your bandwidth by putting your Steemit name into this web address:

A helpful moderator on Discord (thanks @furious-one) gave me the above tip, and told me there were two things I could do: 1) wait, 2) get more STEEM and power up.

I wasn’t able to get into for a while (hint, check your spam folder if you don’t get the email confirmation). Now I’m on there, but super grateful I was on Discord for that emergency chat this morning. Lol!

I’m not too worried. I’ll figure Steemit out. There are some really nice people to help — this community is amazing!

Getting temporarily shutdown on Steemit was actually helpful in some ways. I got things crossed off my to-do list that I’ve ignored since discovering this rabbit hole of awesomeness. I went away for a few hours, came back, and my bandwidth had magically charged up. I don’t know how this happens, or how to predict it.

There is so much I need to learn!

Like bots. I have much to learn about bots, and I’m trying to figure out where the ethics lie. On one hand, all these people saying you can’t succeed without bots, on the other, my idealistic fantasy of being able to organically build community on Steemit and gain support without buying votes. I’m not for or against bots, just need to learn more.

I’m working on getting some STEEM and powering up, but until then I’ll be keeping a hawk-eye on my bandwidth.

Update: I just found this in-depth article by @TimCliff on Steem Bandwidth User Experience Issue. You might find some useful info there.

I hope by posting this, I’ll help a few other newbies out.

Also, here’s me publicly saying I’d like to comment on everyone’s posts with joyful glee, but little minnow me has to hold back some. If you’re new here, and I follow you, please translate it as me jumping up and down welcoming you to Steemit!

I’ll be keeping an eye on my followers as well. If you give me a follow, and you’re producing quality content that interests me, I’ll follow back. :)

If you want to learn more about me, check out my INTRODUCTION POST which has lots of fun pics like this one.

Katrina Ariel

PEACE, y’all!

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