Basic introduction


My name is Karina and I would like to know more about this platform and the communities that are using it. I am from South Europe and I am trying to find different hobbies.

I am learning programming in different languages, but my main purpose is to create a logic for writing complex code no matter the syntax. I like photography, cooking, exploring new things on the Internet. In past, I liked reading fiction a lot but I gave up on this hobby because it enriched my subjective thinking too much and it affected me, making me lose touch with reality. I like listening to all kinds of music, from classical old music to electric, alternative rock, hyper pop. I am interested in finding more about different cultures and the way people on the other side of the globe are living their lives because I am very bored of the way things are going in my life, not my personal life, but the air and atmosphere of the geographical place that I am now. I had a great interest in psychology, wanting to know more about how to read and know people easily, so I wouldn't have to spend much time with different persons to really know them, efficiency at its finest, but then I took interest in zodiac signs so that I could read people more easily based on their astrological signs. Let the joke aside, now I don't take so much interest in people, it might change in the future.
The only thing I am still interested in is the characteristics that psychopaths and sociopaths have, not only in behavior but also in looks, because I am intrigued by them and at the same time I want to detect them before they succeed in using and discarding me like some of them did in past. I also, want to stay away from people that might have criminal tendencies, and for doing this I have to detect them using psychological techniques.
I am trying to find ways to live and ways to define and enrich my personality, I want to take turns on living in different countries after I graduate and learn something to survive in a society. I don't want to stagnate so I am always searching for something new to do or to assimilate. I am not always serious, but rather playful.

At the moment I am working on a project that I will have to present in order to graduate university at the beginning of next summer, while I still have to study for and pass lots of exams, but it is ok, I hope. I am trying to create different things(not just applications) in order to develop myself while developing different apps. Nothing that I write has a polished final form but neither do I.

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