Introducing myself: Katrina

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Hi there! Obviously, I'm new on here. I've heard about it Steemit since 2016, but only now have decided to try out this platform since I've been hearing good things about it. (It's good to know that Steemit's value wasn't short-lived. Unfortunately, I was wary because of how many people in my network seemed to want to flock here for some sort of "get rich quick" scheme.)

Some things about me: I'm a freelance writer. My ultimate dream is to completely financially support myself through writing what I actually want to write. While I am open to writing almost everything, my true loves are plays and short stories. I'm not limited by genre - just write whichever story pops into my head. I graduated in 2016 with two BAs from Western Washington University. You can try to guess what my degrees are in, and I'll give you a clue - not English. I do like politics - and do identify as a libertarian feminist - but I'm more into the intellectual discussions and debates rather than the hustle-and-bustle of rampant finger-pointing and election campaigns.

On here, I'm thinking that I'm gonna post stuff related to politics and the arts - really just stuff that gets people thinking, similar to what I do in Facebook groups. We'll see.

Creating my account, there is a lot of information to sift through, like proper etiquette, etc., although I feel that some of that is pretty common sense. But feel free to reiterate any advice you think a newcomer like me would appreciate.

I do have a question about tags: Can you create your own tags, or do you have to select from the list?

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