Super Grateful For The Steemit Community. Here Is My Story, My First Post, My Introduction.

Wow, what a pleasure it is to have found this revolutionary network . The users, community, creators, developers, and technology here with Steemit, STEEM, SBD, Steem Power, and everything else that makes up Steemit is nothing but amazing!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I hope you are as excited as me :)

I am blessed to be here at this time when technology and the minds of creative thinkers are building new paths for us to travel down.

The road to the future is here and I am glad to be on the forefront of this movement with each and every one of you in this community.



Well to start, my name is Duncan Fraser and I am a 27 year old Canadian who lives on the west coast of Canada BC, in the beautiful city of Vancouver. I love to skateboard and have been skating for over half my life with no plans of stopping, the day I stop will be the day my body can no longer physically handle it.

Skateboarding is my form of exercise, grounding myself, and my form of art/expression. I am a firm believer that everyone should have hobby, or passion that allows them to express themselves and showcase their creativity. I will utilize this platform to show my creativity in all areas of my life and I cant wait to see all the great content that is going to be produced here on Steemit!

The number one thing I value most in life is my time that I have here, the time to spend with my family, my friends, and doing the things that I love doing. A belief I go by is that money can't buy you happiness, but it can help you buy your time back.

We need to spend our time wisely when it comes to earning a living, so we can maximize the time we have for the things that matter. If we are trading our time for dollars, then it is in our best interest to trade the least amount of time for the most amount of dollars. Leverage, as some would call it.

I was born in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada and I lived in Vancouver until I was 4 years old, then my family moved up to the small town of Salmon Arm BC where I grew up, went to high school, completed 2 years of Business school at Okanagan College, then moved out of my parents house back to Vancouver where I have been living on my own until this current day.

I come from a low income family, which is one of the driving factors that turned me into an entrepreneur at a young age. I started my first paper route at age 8 and continued delivering papers until I was 14 years old, I actually had 3 paper routes from age 11-14. I did lemonade stands, yard sales, went door to door collecting bottles, and also went door to door offering gardening services and mowing lawns, then in the snowy winters I would shovel driveways for extra income.

I started skateboarding at the age of 9 years old and soon became addicted to the sport. My parents couldn't keep up with all the skateboards I was breaking and wearing out so my main reason for making extra income as a child was to simply pay for the equipment I needed and the junk food I wanted to eat since I was just a kid with no real responsibilities, bills, or any of that real life stuff that we have to worry about once we grow up and become adults.

So, after moving out on my own to the big and expensive city of Vancouver (Average cost of a home is $1,000,000) I went on to work a number of dead end jobs that only paid me minimum wage. I had already went to business school with the plans of starting my own business, but I just did not know what that business would be at that point in time. I also had no funds or capital to invest into a business so I did what most people would do and I got a full time J.O.B (Just Over Broke)

After 3 years of struggling and living paycheque to paycheque in Vancouver, a breakthrough finally presented itself to me. This breakthrough happened when a good friend of mine introduced me to a new way of earning an income.

I am talking about the networking marketing business model, a model and concept that I was never taught about in business school and also a model that many of my friends laughed at me for and said I would never make any money with... hahaha, well...who is laughing now (Me) - Not trying to sound cocky or anything like that, but I did prove them wrong.

Persistence Overcomes Resistance . Many of my friends who doubted me in the beginning have since apologized to me and a good amount of them ended up joining me throughout my journey. I was never upset about any of the things they said and I am not a person to hold a grudge or lose friends over silly disagreements. I am a people person, and I love all people on this planet.

I am not going to use this post as a means to pitch my business or anything like that because that is not the purpose of this most. I am just sharing a bit of my story with you. As you get to know me further then you can learn the details of what I do at a later date, and in a later post if its something that interests you.

I am super passionate about what me and my team do, and happy to share it with the world. I hope you are passionate about what you do too!

Well I could go on and on, but I do not want to bore you. So here is a short summary and wrap up of my introduction post.



  • Caring person
  • Free thinker
  • Spiritual person
  • Awakened Individual
  • Entrepreneur
  • Leader
  • Teacher
  • Truth seeker
  • Skateboarder
  • Health and water enthusiast
  • Cryptocurrency enthusiast
  • Investor
  • Network Marketer
  • Internet marketer
  • Global team builder.

Helping people is my main passion in life, being able to help transform others lives and transfer my knowledge to them is all the reward that I need. The more you help others get what they want in life, then the more you will get what you want in life... it is a law of the universe in my experience.

So with that being said, I will not do much more talking about myself in this post because I do not want to take too much of your time. Time is our most precious resource that we have on this planet.

This is my very first post, other then a few comments that I have left on others peoples posts since first joining this wonderful community. Keep an eye out for my future posts as I do not have any content on here yet.

If you are curious to learn more about me, the things I do, and the value that I will be giving back to this community through the content I create, then be sure to give me a follow and I will likely follow you back and maybe even become your friend!

I love to meet like minded individuals and cannot wait for the new connections and friendships that will be developed on this revolutionary new platform.

Leave a comment below if you want to say hello or connect with me.

I look forward to growing side by side with you and seeing the changes that are already on their way!!

Duncan Fraser


My other social media profiles for identity verification: (Steemit Verified) (Steemit Verified)

**My Photo with me holding up my Steemit verification paper can be found on Twitter page, and on my Pinterest Bitcoin Board.

Always remember... Never Give Up!! - No Pain, No Gain!
(Yes, thats me slamming onto the concrete below. I got back up and tried again until I accomplished my goal)

This is the photo where I landed the trick I was trying.
I talked about how I love skateboarding in my intro, so I figured I should probably include some proof of that love.

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