Eco Train Seva : About Me......Dani Sher

Dani was born in South Africa and raised in Israel, until setting off for India in search of the unknown. He explored various styles of yoga, meditation and healing methods before stumbling across Siddha Guru Avdhoot Baba Shivanand in early 2000. His life was to change. He spent the next few years living with the Guru in his house, embarking on a powerful, spiritual journey. Spending his days studying and meditating intensively enabled Dani to realise the huge healing potential of the Siddha system. This ancient technology is formed upon a body of esoteric knowledge more than 5,000 years old; predating even the Vedas. It is a system of challenging which recognises the divine power within humans to direct energy for self-healing. He witnessed countless miracles take place before his very eyes. Cancer and HIV/Aids patients being healed, and paralysed persons becoming mobile. Dani developed the belief that everything is possible; that with trust and with the correct tools we all have the capacity to go beyond the limitations of this reality. To be healed, and to heal others. He received sacred Shaktipat initiations into the Siddha tradition, before being granted the honour of becoming a fundamental pillar of this mystical lineage. Recognising Dani’s gifts the Guru requested for him to become a teacher and Shaktipat initiator of the Siddha science himself.

The years to follow saw Dani integrating all that he had learnt. He continued to explore every angle and opportunity to expand his consciousness and deepen his understanding of spirituality and natural healing. His next significant quest was spending one month in darkness, alone, living in very basic conditions, following an ancient Ayurvedic discipline called Kayulkalpa. In complete darkness it became clearer than ever that the ego cannot hide. That transparency is the key to healing, and the key to enlightenment. A year later he entered the darkroom again; this time for two continuos months. Time became eternity to him during this period. He experienced non-duality in its purest form taking him beyond the manipulation of the egoic mind. Dani himself, became the power and potential of many ancient healing tool.

Dani has been living in India for more than 16 years spreading his vast and varied body of knowledge, helping countless others face their fears and transform their lives. He has integrated his experiences to develop a bespoke and unique system that he refers to as ‘Siddha Kundalini Healing’. Awakening of Kundalini, the divine life-force energy within us all, is a vital component to his work. He recognises the importance of purification on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, in order to align Kundalini and Shaktipat energies. His all-encompassing approach combines alchemical Navapashanam medicines, the power of crystals, sacred geometry, mandalas, Kundalini yoga, Shaktipat

initiations and Siddha rituals. The system is designed to quieten the egoic mind, open the heart, rejuvenate the body and purify the soul. Channeling these healing frequencies, Dani masterfully helps many others reconcile the fundamental conflicts within themselves, manifesting results that can only be described as miraculous .

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