Next Stop on my Extraordinary Journey: Hive!

Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, and Hello Hive Community! I am Opa, which is the nickname my granddaughter bestowed upon me and means grandfather in Dutch. I am eager to learn what this sprawling community has to offer. Just browsing through the pages, it looks like Hive is made up of many micro communities joining together to make one large collection of awesome content and full of energetic creators.

I have trained in economics, management, and finance throughout the course of my life. I have worked in businesses small and large and have garnered a lot of entrepreneurship experience. I am really curious how the new economy is reshaping our lives all over the world and I am an eager student of the new money.

I write about my experiences learning about projects in the areas of blockchains, decentralized finance, use cases of breakthrough technologies, start-up businesses, and of course us, the content creators from within our thriving communities.

In other words, I may write about my experiences with yield farming and derivatives, evaluating protocols, techniques, and even specific tokens.

Or, I may write about how businesses are using technologies to reinvent themselves and have a leg up on their competition.

I follow a consistent format of thoroughly researching what I write about and sharing my experiences with you. Every time I publish an article, I ask for less than a quarter of an hour of your time; however, I aim to peak your curiosity and give you all the tools you need to do your own research.

I hope you follow along with me on this wondrous journey!

Here is where you can find me:

Hive Community - @kaaskop Twitter - @KaasKop_Opa

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