Just a little introduction post.

Hello all, My name is Cory Jensen I am 27 years old, I live in Norman, Oklahoma, I maintain a Straight Edge lifestyle, (more on that in a future post) I love music, Photography,Coffee, and I suffer with anxiety, depression, and mental illness.(currently NOS) That being said a large portion of this blog will be about just that...mental illness. I want to use this site as a outlet to discuss what goes on inside my head and in hopes help provide context to those without any forms of mental illness what it looks like, how to spot it in friends/family, how to treat loved ones who deal with any of it's many forms more importantly I want to blog what it's like dealing with mental illness without any professional assistance or use of medication...I know what you're thinking..."oh this asshole is so damn Straight Edge that he refuses to even use prescribed medication to help with his mental health, well then that's his own fault." Well....ummmm that's not the issue friend; You see I don't have health insurance and being rather young and having low income I am unable to afford a Psychiatrist meaning I can't be prescribed medication and even if I could...I wouldn't be able to afford it. That being said other than the support of close friends, family and of course those of you reading this I'm kind of alone. Meaning if I want to figure out what's going on inside my head, the reasons behind my overwhelming depression and how to cope with it, how to make sense of the thoughts inside my head, and most importantly maintain a happy and dare I say fulfilling life...I have to do it myself.

Other topics of this blog will include:
Music: Genres I enjoy, Album Reviews,Interviews With Bands ect ect ect.
Photography: Due to the recent theft of my camera this will be delayed other than the posting of my older work.
Coffee: Different brewing methods, coffee shops I try, beans I try from various roasters ect ect ect.
Random Life Topics: (The reasoning behind me being straight edge, my tattoos, daily activities, ect ect ect.

Anyways if any of these things interest you feel free to drop me a like and follow as well!

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