About me

Hello, peeps. My name's Lara, and I'm 18 years old still. Actually, I'll be turning 19 this July. I'm from Sabah. I spend most of time searching through the internet, watching some funny videos, reading juicy gossips, especially about famous celebs, oh and I love anime so much. I do reading sometimes, comedy and romance are my fav. I can't swim and I never will. I used to think doctors are cool so I dreamt of becoming one, but as I grew up I started to think how hard it was, I eventually gave up. Then, I started to think that becoming a teacher won't be so bad, though I didn't expect that I would be accepted to IPG. Other than that, I am a very picky eater. Those who know me would complain how picky I am. I just can't digest certain food like broccoli for example. God, I loathe broccoli. I hate its taste, its shape and how green it looks. I just hate everything about broccoli. Oh, and I also hate fishing. I can't stand doing one activity that requires you to wait for so long, no exaggerating. I get bored pretty easily, and I absolutely hate boredom. Now moving on to my life goal. I really didn't plan on anything big for my future. Just that I can settle down in my own place, have my own income and pursue my career as a teacher. (P/S: I absolutely hate Math.)

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