Hello Steemit!

My name is Junha. I'm a Korean male and I live and study in an International School in Thailand. A friend introduced me to Steemit and I'm so excited to start posting and sharing stuff.
What do I enjoy?
-I enjoy music (playing and a little bit of composing).
-I also enjoy a little bit of writing, which I'll be posting every now and then.
-I love learning new languages; I can speak English, Korean, Thai and a little bit of German (I might post some German writing too even though it's a little basic, for you German-speaking Steemians out there).
-I'm also hoping to start a charity project at my school in my next academic year (sometime around August this year), and maybe Steemit could play a major part when I donate!

Some other things I like:
-Baseball. It's pretty hard to find places where I can play baseball here in Bangkok, as it's not that popular, but I still play softball at school.
-Eating. Good food makes me happy :)


Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you guys soon!

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