Bass Ackwards as Usual - An Introduction to Me

I'm currently three posts in and just discovered there's such a thing as intro posts. Makes sense (intro posts, not me introducing myself so belatedly).

So here goes -

I'm a wife to a veritable saint and mother to three perfect (for me) children aged 10, 15, and 17. We are Radical Unschoolers but haven't always been so, and I hope to do some posts that will share how the transition from control-based, authoritarian parenting to cooperative, peaceful parenting has exponentially increased the happiness and productivity of our whole home.

Joe, Lily Rose, and Nick at Escape Room Mystery for Nick's Birthday

Speaking of 'home' we live in rural Pennsylvania in a house that we bought as a restoration project but never expected to live in quite so soon, since it had been effectively abandoned for 60 years. Pro-Tip: Husbands, if your wife describes a house as "having good bones," RUN! Life intervened and we find our "free" time is far more often spent too exhausted to open a celebratory beer than clinking crystal glasses on the porch. Not that we could because we had to cut the collapsing porch off the house to stop it from tearing down a wall.

Pictured: Summer Vacation 2016

I know, I know, that's not a very impressive picture. Maybe seeing the "Before" would help:


We're DIYing all the way and it's slow sometimes. When your top priorities include replacing the ten radiators a contractor stole so you can heat the house before winter comes, acquiring window coverings that didn't used to go on a bed and include the word "fitted," running electrical through 2 foot brick walls separating the original house from the hundred year old addition, having a kitchen that consists of more than camp tables and a laundry sink, putting up ceilings in 8 out of 14 rooms... well let's just say that everything gets done just far enough to be functional then we move on to the next thing. Someday we'll be able to go back and do stuff like trim paint and install moldings. For now we were excited to have second hand cabinets and a counter that isn't molded plastic on fold-out legs and a ceiling!

Pictured: All that finally stands between us and 6 decades of unabated squirrel activity. When the wind blew it used to rain leaves, shells, and small pinecones into the kitchen. People, appreciate your ceilings!

Politically, I'd describe myself as a Voluntaryist. I'm also a feminist - if I'm allowed to describe myself that way even though I don't believe in the legitimacy of the state and therefore of course don't support the state intervention that some feminists favor. As mom to a daughter, I want to do what I can to help make a world where she isn't viewed as lesser and as a mom to 2 sons I want to do what I can to help make a world where they aren't the victims of overcorrection. So mostly I get flak from the feminists and the anti-feminists but I don't mind much since what I really believe is that the best thing I can do to advance a more peaceful, prosperous society is be those things myself and raise peaceful, generous, bright, caring children.

Pictured: Epic #feministfail as I teach my daughter how to sew. Full disclosure: We both also love to cook

Also, I like to bitch a lot on social media about what's wrong with the world. Maybe less effective, but sometimes - I admit - the catharsis is more fun ;)

What to expect if you follow me:
*Political rants
*Pics of my fam including cats and dogs
*Amateur philosophizing
*Funny shit my kids say
*DIY tips and videos
*A return follow unless you're like, super-nutso... wait, maybe I should especially follow back those types...

At any rate, this is already too long I'm sure, but I am thankful and excited to be a part of this community. Looking forward to getting to know more kindred spirits here!

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