Myself. Background. Enlightenment.

What my life has been doesn't matter. It simply doesn't, the only matter is Now. How you say? Well, look at it like this, once you entertain the idea that time is an illusion the whole narrative collapses, right?.

We place so much value on time, we seemingly have to since we invented it.

Thinking of past and future takes us out of the NOW. Identifying with our problems, it's not us, yet it keeps us down. It's hardly anyones fault, it just is. But it doesn't always have to be. Author Eckhart Tolle explains clock time v.s. psychological time; one is useful, one is not. Once you take TIME out of it and apply a new way of seeing the world, you take in each moment a little bit more, being Present. [Doesn't mean you can't use time though]. If you're a firm believer in 'everything happening for a reason', I might be singing your tune. I see people are waking up to these ideas more and more, Me included. The benefits from it I want to talk about in later posts.

All is understanding, the value of looking in the past is perspective, lessons. Steemit is gonna be fun for us to share ideas. But first, I'd like to explain my background a little first, if anything; for my own self reflection. Hopefully for your benefit too.

It started for me differently, I came about life starting out a little wild in my early adult life. My ego was big, and I had to learn the hard way which allowed me to experience the darkest mind I've ever encountered, the brink of collapse, shattering my world around me in an unimaginable reality. Those moments were dark and real with myself. Self-consuming and self-destructive. All from a simple wrong turn on a motorcycle. The fine line between "perfect", and debilitating. Helplessness, and anger, resentment, and sadness, then acceptance.

What I did was wrecked my motorcycle at a high rate of speed, basically breaking my body, in a split moment decision and disabling me from hips down. That was 11 years ago, doesn't matter. What matters is what I've learned from it. Life. The highs the lows and then the enlightenment? Hindsight is 20/20, so maybe. We often question why things happen to us and live with the unknowns. Until we don't. Regardless of your beliefs on death, this life now is what matters in this moment. But it all connects and I am here to explain how from my understandings.

I started out my early 20's into 30's a strong believer in democratic values, human rights, logic, science. I was calculated to a degree and only trusted "reliable sources", I was a college student, like many. Nothing noteworthy there. When it came to God, I grew up in a church environment setting but never really bought it. As a young adult in my 20's God was an unknown, an up and down of: "who knows", and no thought. When it was discussed I probably blurted out a dumb remark many more times than I can recall. My logic was:" why put such blind faith into something you can't prove?" Especially after recognizing the corruption. But I recognized there was more than what we "knew", even then, just never connected the dots. I also recognized the true reality of UFO's and started my journey learning, reading, watching documentaries on many witness accounts. I was certain.

Then plateauing.

Especially after my wreck, dismay.

I ended up going back to school and receiving a bachelors degree in my late 20's in sport management from University of North Florida, also I started playing wheelchair basketball which became a huge focus. Ended up living in Auburn, AL to play for the university team. Fun sport, still love playing it.

It wasn't till years later at Auburn, AL after true acceptance for what occurred set in, that my understandings were "rocked", and I was given an opportunity to start my enlightened journey towards a much higher understanding of existence, a remembrance if you will of what we truly are. I will explain that jump off in my next post!

@rickthor Teach me your ways! LOL


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