I introduce myself

Hello steemit community, today I will introduce myself to you, I will tell you who I am, what I like, what I am currently doing and what my approach is with respect to what I like. My name as it says in my profile is Jorge Kunzel, I'm 21 years old, I live in Táchira in Venezuela despite being born in Bogotá Colombia and the current situation in Venezuela, I could not be happier and grateful for living and growing here. I think that we become as we are by the medium in which we develop, by experiences and people with whom we interact, I could not ask for a better place in my opinion.
I'm study in the UCAT (Catholic University of Táchira) the career of management, although it was not my first choice or the one that catches my attention, the knowledge acquired is always useful to grow, I studied gastronomy at the academy le petit chef in San Cristóbal It was something I always wanted to do, although I still do not have the opportunity to practice and pursue this career as I would like, since in my personal opinion, daily practice is the way to stand out. Besides, I would like to work in the barista part and the cocktails, if anyone who is reading this has the opportunity to enter that world, I hope that he will be encouraged to take this opportunity, since it is something very satisfying to be able to create things that give pleasure to the senses, if you look at it well it is like giving a reflection of you to others, since in each dish or drink you put the flavors, textures and smells that you like, besides giving it the shape you want.1549344_402027613312930_6929220161689415232_n.jpg
I also have years of training, I started from very young (approximately from 4 years old) with swimming, I lasted sixteen years in this discipline, although it was not until my last two years of training that I dedicated myself to really improve, then I tried mixed martial arts, It is amazing to see how the body adapts and progresses according to the approach you have and how much you want to progress, in that moment I realized that the more intense the training, the more I liked it, but I still did not have a very concrete of the relationship that sport had with the lifestyle that we carry, now I dedicate myself to crossfit and sometimes I add lifting routines or functional exercise, already taking into account the factors that influence my performance as food and recovery, although I have to leave one or another bad habit.

little by little I will be unwrapping in the community, made known more and more of my things besides to try to give them things that help or are of interest, I hope to be well received and have a very good day.

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