Introduce yourself

how are you Steemit friend? Hope you are healthy always.

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Introduce, my name is jhony, I am 23 years old, I was born in North Aceh and now I live in Aceh one of the best provinces in Indonesia.
I was at the Elementary School of the 1st state of sikalondang. My junior high school in Hidayatullah and my high school in Vocational Secondary School 1 left intersection and I took a major in motorcycle engineering.

After that I attended Udayana University in 2013 and graduated in 2016. My day-to-day activities as a trainer of one of the solidworks design software and autodesk inventor I have often been invited at several design events in Aceh, and sometimes I am a speaker.

now I work part time with friends as a coffee shop owner, my hobby is playing ball, either volleyball or foot ball.
in addition I also really like some other things like making tips and tricks around android,
for me this world is very wide as well as science contained in it. greetings from the children of Aceh.

steem it was known to me by a friend named @Azman who has long been in the world of steam it. Azman said that he has made enough money to help his lecture, I am very interested I also want to help my parents lighten my college burden
I consult with Azman how to play steem it, Azman is a very good man he taught me seriously without any hiding him.

Please understand if there is a shortage, because this is still the first stage I make a post.

Thank you and support me

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