Confessions of a Gun For Hire Who Pimps Words for Money

When I was much younger I had this desire to become the next Stephen King. Now, wait. I know what you're thinking, but the truth is that I could write. I just convinced myself that I had to write horror fiction because that's a genre I love to read. As it turns out, I'm much better at poetry and non-fiction. Good enough, in fact, that writing pays almost all of my bills almost all of the time. Hey. Almost is better than doesn't come close.

Hello, Steemit.

Since 2009, I've made my living as a freelancer. That basically means I will write about anything for anyone who is willing to pay. I pimp prepositions and independent clauses, and I run the cleanest joint around. My words are tested twice a week for dangling participles.

I have written about vaping devices, blackjack, VPN services, horse racing, planters, rubber hoses, and software programs. I have written under the guise of a conservative and I have hacked away as a liberal. The client comes first, and I try to keep my own views out of it. But, views I have. Of this, certain you should be.

My geeky side is prone to assume the reins at any moment.

I still write creatively. I even have works in print at Amazon, for what it's worth (and what it's worth ain't been much badabing). That's my passion, but a guy still has to eat.

Look, the point of all this is that you do what you gotta do to make ends meet. I would tell anyone that is pursuing an artistic career to forget all that noble crap about not selling out. Sell the **** out. I'm new to Steemit, remember, so work with my asterisks until I assimilate the law of the land. When you make it to the big time, then you can call some shots and refuse to sell out. I guess what I am trying to say is don't starve in order to pursue your dream. It's not necessary, dude. When the time comes for you to receive your first artistic award no one is going to stand behind the podium and say, "This poor soul ate potted meat for fifteen years and wiped his butt with dry leaves because he wouldn't settle for anything less than the publication of a New York Times bestseller! What a hero!"

Wait. On second thought, you tell that story when you win an award. It's a good story. What? Writers lie for a living. Hello.

A few months ago one of my clients approached me about writing on the subject of cryptocurrencies. I had a passing familiarity with them but not much more than that. My interest has grown to the point that here I am. I've also become involved with the Bitnation platform, but these are subjects for another day.

Let's see. What else might stamp me with some coolness in the eyes of my fellow...Steemians, is that right? I'm 50 and getting married in September to a beautiful girl of 23. That's good. I went back to school at age 45 for my college degree and was Outstanding Sophomore for the entire school. First fully online student in the school's history to do that. Member of Psi Chi. Those things are okay.

Mainly, I just want to be me, and I'd kinda like it if me is an okay thing to be.

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