introducing myself - writer & musician/noisemaker

Hey everybody! I'm Joshua. I've been lurking around here for a couple weeks, getting a feel for the place and seeing where/how I might be able to fit in. I'm enjoying the place . . . it's intriguing. I've definitely seen some things I like and some things I don't like, which at the very least means there's a diverse group of people here. (Oh yeah . . . my friend @caseyjparker hipped me to Steemit.)

Here's a photo of me at the Java Jive in Tacoma, Wash., USA, this past Saturday.IMG_20170722_223545534.jpg

You might know Bob's Java Jive, the allegedly world famous giant coffee pot tavern in South Tacoma. That photo was taken a little bit after I'd gotten off stage, having played my first show there, which was cool for me . . . something to cross off my list.

At any rate, back to the subject of how I think I might be able to fit in here, beyond poking around and finding other people to follow. I'm in the middle of writing a novel, and I've been strongly considering writing some short fiction related to the storyline & characters of the book I'm writing, and posting those pieces here. They'd probably be more along the lines of surrealist or absurd stuff, but things that still make sense in the context of the world of my book, and hopefully introduce different pieces of the story and aspects of the characters. It'd be really fun for me to write those and motivating to have a place to put them, and I like the idea of sharing them with a somewhat exclusive community. The idea would be that I would post those short works here, not cross-post them anywhere else online (not at first, anyway), and eventually collect them into their own book. And Steemit would be the first place to get them & in fact the first place to get any of the story. Not that my story is necessarily a big deal . . . but it's a big deal to me, and I'm excited to start sharing the story with you guys, in however a sort of broken and absurd way.

Unless I'm commenting on other people's posts, I probably won't be posting very often in "my own voice." I think I will be using this account mostly to upload those pieces of writing, and maybe occasionally to talk about & share a new piece of music or somesuch.

At any rate, again, I'm enjoying myself here so far, I'm happy to be here, and I'm happy to start sharing this story with you all (eventually). Nice to meet you all.

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