Introduction! 👋🏼


Before any babble let me express how EXCITED I am for this! YES! 🙌🏼

So I guess I have to introduce myself? Awesome! My name is Jennifer, I'm a SAHM to 3 GIRLS. Yes. 1,2,3 FEMALES. 11 years old & 6 month old twins. I'm 30 year old Aquarius & live in Las Vegas.

Basically going to be using this platform to entertain the masses with my crazy day to day adventures. Meal time, messes & mayhem. Count me in!

ALSO, I've struggled with infertility due to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) my entire life. So! Along with daily adventures I'll also be throwing in some PCOS friendly tips that have & continue to work for me.

Let the fun begin! IMG_0687.JPG

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