Hi, Steemit! I'm Jenna.

Hi all!

I'm Jenna, I'm 19, and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a junior in college, and I'm majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing and minoring in Spanish (hablo Español). I'm probably studying abroad in England next semester, and if anyone has any tips, feel free to reach out!

Um, I'm not totally sure what I'm doing with my life at the moment. I like writing a lot, but I also have a passion for criminal justice and am probably headed to law school when I graduate. I work doing legal research at a local Latinx center. Lately I've gotten really into cryptocurrencies (I'm late to the game), and I read a lot.

Feel free to start a conversation with me! I'd love to get to know you all!

(Also here's a fun pic of me)

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