At present human beings possess beliefs, values, ideologies, cultures that are taught in each home, according to the country where their formation is found, each citizen is autonomous in the decision making according to his behavior and attitude in the Situations that arise in your daily life. Notably, they are teachings that are taught from home, mothers, parents or responsible are responsible for instilling in each of the population, education that over the years will be strengthened in schools where they study.
With the passing of the years the values ​​that were taught are rooted or not in each person, loyalty, equality, commitment, respect, tolerance, education, honesty, dignity, ethics, among others, form the teaching structure, which most Of parents educate their children in order to raise good men and women, at school, high school, university and workplaces where they establish a labor relationship, today ethics plays a determining role in the performance of every human being Both in workplaces and in their homes.
Ethics is directly related to the goodness or badness of the behavior of all the inhabitants of society, regardless of the professional exercise that the individual decides to exercise, the same will be framed by ethical values, nowadays large public or private, banking organizations Or not, have in their structure codes that frame the actions of citizens who provide services in their facilities.
These codes of ethics establish in different articles how the conduct of citizens who represent the institution should be, for this reason when a person is distinguished from others by the uniform and card of the company in which he works, it is important to mention that A more complex code is the military, respect must be maintained, and even more so if it is to carry out any activity that involves an inappropriate act, ideally, it does not carry any badge that directly involves it with the organization.
The code of Athens, however, represents deontological standards of the public relations professional. Adopted in 1965 and amended in 1968 and 2009, the Athens Code is a project of ethical behavior by the members of the International Public Relations Association And recommended to public relations professionals around the world.
Regardless of the beliefs or codes implemented in each company, citizens must maintain respect for the institution that you represent at that time. Ethics not only involves these behaviors at a given moment, but values, that education that is taught at home, allowing the growth of people as a human being and professional.
Evidently each person in his professional discipline carries out ethical behavior framed in the values ​​not only of the organization but of his own, since in a banking institution can be presented the situation of which a client when arriving at the entity observes that there is quantity of People in a queue, he can try to bribe the employee with a gift, for the purpose of the transaction before the other clients ahead, in these cases is left on the employee's part whether he does or not, if Its morals and values ​​are better valued and those imparted by the organization than the gift that will be received by the client.
Just to give an example, a bank employee, which are more likely to find in these situations, but this does not indicate that in the other disciplines can not happen this type of acts, where asking a favor can go out with the famous "how much for this". At present, values, principles, moral, education are declining since they have been lost, even more ethics, which is fundamental in the actions of each individual, must be strengthened in every corner of our country, in each discipline since each being Human being is autonomous in the acts, behaviors and attitudes that characterize it.
We must emphasize values ​​education, which our grandparents, parents, siblings, family, and in some way or other, instilled in us in the recovery of the human quality that identifies every Venezuelan regardless of culture, race, political or Christian ideology. Have and thus maintain the proper behaviors that have always characterized the Venezuelan people.

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