Hello Steemit! Finally back after 8 months.

Hi there steemit,
I am Jehanzeb Masroor. This is my 2nd Intoductory post. I felt the need because I have been gone for quite a long time, 8 months to be precise. I made steemit account a year back.

Where was I these 8 months?

Well it was a dark time. I have gone through a lot of things. Mostly it was road to self realization. I wanted to discover my innerself. I tried to disappear from the world. But no matter how hard I tried I always backed out. It felt like I haven't had any courage to done it.

Then I learned, what I Like to say, an 'Art of Silence'. I remained silent while observing the world in front of me. In doing so I realized I was looking at this wrongly the entire time.

I wanted to find answers so bad that I forgot about the Questions I had. Were they the ones that needed to be answered. Have I had those right questions. At that time, I realized I needed to find the Questions before answer. Questions that mattered.

Well I couldn't have done this all by myself. I had a little help from a 'Friend' who gave me the greatest of gift anyone can give, A question.

I changed my path from then, I started looking for question because once you have questions it will be going to answer eventually, no matter the time.

This was me those 8 months.

The darkness that surrounds represents my innerself. My heart was so blackened that it needed to be surfaced. I was tired of living as a hypocrite. I wanted to represent myself on the outside as I was the inside. It was the toughest decision I had ever made. But it certainly was the best one.

This is me now.

It's been after very long time I had smiled.

Now I haven't found all the answers and peace I was looking for but I have found the path all those answers are.

Finally I am happy to be here after very long. I was a beginner when I left steemit and I am a beginner still. I am hoping to work here with a new enthusiasm. All the very best to me. 😅

And yayyy I finally had 100 followers and also I graduated.

Sorry to be a bit narcissit and for taking your time. I am looking forward to a new relationship with you guys.

I am hoping to share with you guys my experience through poetry and short storys.

So stay connected and stay in touch.

Follow @Jehanzeb4u

Thanks and Regards,
Jehanzeb Masroor

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