Introduction...I like everyone

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Hello, my name is Jeff. I'm 53 years old so I may be a little old for this forum, however, I'm hoping that you'll accept me just the same! I’ve never done anything like this before but I feel like I have a lot to offer. I came of age in the 1980s in Michigan, USA and attended school at Northern Michigan University so I remember what it was like before all of the technology we have today had really taken hold (i.e. the internet, smartphones, etc). After college, I spent about 20 years as a Mortgage Banker In the midwestern United States until the housing collapse in 2008. Since then I primarily traded in the foreign exchange markets and did a few (still do) online marketing projects. About 2 years ago I discovered and became passionate about cryptocurrency which is how I discovered and joined last spring. I spend most mornings checking on my current crypto trades and learning about new ICO possibilities to expand my portfolio. I haven’t posted a lot of my own content on yet but I feel like I can share a lot of information and my analyses with anyone who's interested.
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Some other things I love doing are traveling with my wife and daughter, restoring and driving old cars and playing ice hockey. I look forward to sharing some of these experiences this with everyone as well.
Thanks, let's talk soon...

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