Hello steemit community :)

Hello steemit :) You probably wonder who I am. I will try to answer this question in this "short" description below.

My name is Sebastian and I currently live in Poland in Mazovian Voivodeship. I am a fairly complex character with a multitude of interests. Since 2012 I have been writing poetry in a black and romantic convention, modeled a bit on the stylistics of Edgar Allan Poe, Leopold Staff, Charles Baudelaire, or even such artists from the heart of Silesian land as Krvavy, Ozzy and A.J.K.S. who write in death / psycho / ritual rap convention. I wrote about 360 poems and parodies of songs on various topics, mainly existential, rich in vanitential and decadent themes.

I played electric guitar since my middle school, but i never started a professional music band. I had only a few amateur projects, where together with my friends without regularity we recorded humorous covers. I definitely prefer light improvisation without order and composition instead of arduous craft work on new songs cause of my laziness. Currently I want to sell my music equipment which I bought a long time ago on my 18th birthday and now collects layers of dust in the closet, because I urgently need cash and I don't have time and willingness to play, but I can't find a good buyer, because not everyone can afford such a high amount of cash. I am generally versatile and open to new music. I never divide music into particular genres in terms of quality and try to listen to everything that falls into my ear depending on my mood. I don't have any special preferences, although I really like the sounds in a slightly heavier convention (if we really need do discuss the tastes). I'm a music lover and I collect songs. My collection includes something about 150,000 songs which equals a terabyte of files in total. As for movies, I'm not an exaggerated fan of cinematography, but my favorite one is definitely the incredibly romantic "The Crow" from 1994 with Bruce Lee's son Brandon in cast.

After three years of my studies at the University of Warsaw in the faculty of journalism and political sciences, I abandoned plans for their continuation cause of nervous breakdown and depression for personal reasons and therefore I lost all desire and motivation. However, I do not regret this choice, because thanks to that I started to learn on my own, discuss with people with doctoral degrees from the academic environment, and finally write some serious articles on the blogging platform and even two books (over 230 pages each) on the socio-political subject (the first one contains a libertarian manifesto and tells more specifically about an anarchism in the capitalist version, and the second one is entirely dedicated to detailed criticism of nationalist thought and the phenomenon of patriotism itself).

I spent most of my free time to realize myself in many fields. I focus on the development of my passions and interests, which I treat as a priority. I have never been an exaggerated materialist and I still do not pay attention to temporal, trivial values. Money does not play a key role for me. I worked in several places, I was a warehouseman and sorted orders for car parts, a seller of cardboard packaging, a physical worker in finishing works, a seller in an electronics store, but I couldn't stay there any longer because every time I felt the impression of being enslaved, limited and hounded. Currently I work in a small IT advertising agency as a SEO copywriter. I write from scratch, edit and make a detailed correction of errors in blogging texts. Sometimes I also come up with catchy marketing slogans, expanding content and writing special referrals on behalf of satisfied customers on blogs and forums under the so-called "whisper marketing" and I administer company social media accounts. I have great employment conditions.

I read a lot of books, because I like to broaden my horizons, carefully observe my surroundings and be up to date with the external world issues. I record many series of various philosophical podcasts such as “voice of freedom”, “realizm mizogina” (the misogynist realism), “spowiedź indywiduum” (confession of the individual)”, "narodowa schiza" (“national lunacy”) and "nostalgiczna gawęda” (“nostalgic tale”) on my YouTube channel. Sometimes I prefere some
provocative materials in the form of trolling to loosen the mind.

I love to walk longer routes for several kilometers a day. This is my everyday ritual, and although I never dress according to the weather outside (for example walking in the unbuttoned jacket during winter frosts) I hardly ever get sick. I have strong health, because I have not even had a cold since my middle school. I have never tried any alcohol, even the taste of a drop of beer, I am abstinent from birth and I can have fun and overcome difficult emotions without using stimulants. That’s how I was raised, because in my family on the father's side it’s an unwritten tradition for three generations. During walks I love to photograph in macro mode, which allows me to accurately capture the details of small elements and focus the attention on them.

Sometimes I create graphic covers and photo manipulations in Photoshop. I read a lot of interesting literature, mainly scientific, philosophical or poetic, sometimes only some belles-lettres (novels), but I avoid horrors, fantasy, romance or science fiction and post-apocalyptic subjects, because for me as a realist, escaping to fictional realms is completely senseless. Sometimes I play some computer games, but mainly classic RPGs with an open world like Gothic, The Witcher or even the Grant Theft Auto series but usually I can’t get into them for more than a week, I simply get bored quickly and uninstall them.

I used to train mixed martial arts for over a year until I suffered a serious spine injury at the gym, when I was unwisely exercising without a technique and prior warm-up. I mistakenly tilted my back, and I had to abandon the training for longer period of time.

I love the subject of martial arts, I follow the KSW and UFC federations events and broadcasts in the mass media. I’m really interested in facts about the polish mafia from the 90s, mainly through the books of the most popular polish crown witness. I am also interested in firearms and white weapons from various historical periods, although I definitely have a weakness for medieval battles and the climate of a decentralized Europe full of autonomous regions and principalities. However, I’m mostly fascinated in technological innovations. I try to keep up to date with news from IT industry. I know a lot about of computer components, mobile devices and all kinds of applications.Anarcho-Gadsden_flag.png

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