re-introducing myself to the community, call me a survivor.

Dear Steemers, friends and followers in this great platform, i think it is the time to re-introduce myself properly after couple months of posting here, i am doing so because yesterday i was walking through my old posts and i figured out that i already introduced myself two months ago, however i did not tag the post under #introduceyourself as i was a naive when i first joined this platform, so i guess that nobody saw it, that's why this is a good opportunity to re-introduce myself to you and tag this post properly ;-).


My name is jakub kaled, i am half Czech half Syrian citizen, a mixture of two extreme cultures, the European and middle east one, which enriched my cultural and artistic background and affected me a lot in a very positive way, i have born in Czechia but my pants had to move to Syria when i was a kid where i spent most of my life; i finished my study in Damascus and graduated as a network Engineer but to be honest, i never practice my degree in a full-time job, i was always a big lover of art especially drawing, sketching, painting and recently sculpting, in my university days, i was doing web and graphic design, then i moved into 3D and special effects in the middle of 2000's and master it using maya and zbrush, in 2010, along side with this year's Oscar nominee director Firas fayyad i set up my own startup project called Double Plus :

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focusing on documentary production, and we managed to shoot our first documentary in Prague called " on the other side " :


however the movie did not saw the light as the war had already started in Syria and things went wrong there, Firas got arrested, and my office got rubbed so i lost most of the film material , then two of my friends accidentally died during the fight around Damascus suburb, at the end, i was randomly arrested in Damascus and was declared missing for two weeks, after i was miraculously sat free, i packed my stuff and escaped the hell out of there to Czechia where i had to start from zero.
It is quite sad story and honestly it is even a worse story what is still happening in Syria, maybe i will write the complete journey and published it here in steemit one day.

At the moment i am still living in Prague, trying to make my way through and enjoying the most valuable gift mankind ever had " freedom", i also got married and i have a one year old cute kid :-) :


and sometimes if i really managed to escape from work, i play guitar with my band in Prague :


i have also decided to go back to drawing after many years of hiatus, thanks to Steemit, i finally found the motivation to continue, and it is not all about the money, it is about the appreciation and communication inside this wonderful community, please find some of my older posts below :

finally, i would like to thanks all the steemers who are already following me and upvoting my work here, and to all those who will do in the future, i will appreciate any comment and upvote and i hope that this platform alongside with the blockchain technology will change the world, end all wars, and create a better future for our children.

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